@SkyNews 's reporter is destroying the attorneys and the defense arguments of the Memphis 5 and it's glorious to watch. #JusticeForTyre
RT @TheTNHoller
🔥 WATCH: “Chief Davis had no clear answers… they beat him to death. That behavior is not new. That behavior was caught on camera this time.” #JusticeForTyre @MEM_PoliceDept
RT @micchiato
wasn’t it a well-funded *PuBLiC sAfEtY WoRkForCE* that lynched Tyre Nichols? #sotu2023 #JusticeForTyre https://twitter.com/leagueofcities/status/1623155123991064576
wasn’t it a well-funded *PuBLiC sAfEtY WoRkForCE* that lynched Tyre Nichols? #sotu2023 #JusticeForTyre
RT @leagueofcities
Local governments are spending American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to bolster their public safety workforce recruitment and retention efforts. #SOTU https://www.nlc.org/article/2022/09/21/using-arpa-funds-to-reimagine-public-safety/
#sotu2023 #justicefortyre #sotu
"As Tyre Nichols sat propped against a police car, bloodied, dazed and handcuffed after being beaten by a group of Memphis police officers, one of those officers took a picture of him and sent it to at least five people, the Memphis Police Department said in a document released by the state on Tuesday."
#tyrenichols #justicefortyre #tuesday
Breaking News: Memphis officer texted photo of Tyre Nichols to at least 5 people after beating. #justicefortyre
RT @TheTNHoller
The lie-filled police accounts and mischaracterization even AFTER the Tyre Nichols murder is all the evidence anyone should need that a deep @MEM_PoliceDept house-cleaning is in order, at all levels. @1cjdcop @MayorMemphis @SteveMulroy901 #JusticeForTyre https://apnews.com/article/law-enforcement-tyre-nichols-george-floyd-memphis-dac96c2c6a4e319fc68fa102dec1fc6c
“The department has not disclosed records of past citizen complaints against the unit.” If police were actually here to “serve and protect” the community, police departments would be transparent and would hold officers accountable for misconduct. But they’re not, and they don’t. #JusticeInPolicing #GrorgeFloyd #JusticeForTyre https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/04/us/memphis-police-scorpion.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
#justiceinpolicing #grorgefloyd #justicefortyre
RT @edwardnelson4tn
This ain’t over for memphis. We know there are more folks involved and we learn a little every day. This doesn’t stop at SCORPION. We need a complete overhaul of this system. Meet us downtown tomorrow as we demand #JusticeForTyre at the courthouse. Dress warm. #TYRENICHOLS
Watching Rev Sharpton’s eulogy for Tyre. Speaking truth yet as a nation we still ignore what is right before our eyes. #policereform #Racism #JusticeforTyre
#policereform #racism #justicefortyre
Oh damn. Speak on it! #RevAlSharpton #Eulogy #JusticeForTyre
#revalsharpton #eulogy #justicefortyre
Nothing but criminals. #HoldThemAccountable
Tyre Nichols video contradicts initial police report
Sent via @upday
#holdthemaccountable #justicefortyre
"Initial Police Report on Tyre Nichols Arrest Is Contradicted by Videos."
#TyreNicholsMurder #SayHisName #TyreNichols
#JusticeforTyreNichols #JusticeforTyre #BLM
#AbolishthePolice #DefundthePolice #UglyCops
#CriminalCops #MurderousCops #EvilCops
#CopsLie #PoliceLie #CopsSuck #CopsStink
#copsstink #copssuck #policelie #copslie #evilcops #murderouscops #criminalcops #uglycops #DefundThePolice #abolishthepolice #BLM #justicefortyre #justicefortyrenichols #tyrenichols #sayhisname #tyrenicholsmurder
Police report in Tyre Nichols case shows astonishing lies revealed by body-cam video release, lies including that he’d been pulled over for reckless driving, “started to fight,” grabbed an officer’s gun, & that officers were victims. #JusticeForTyre https://apple.news/Ak7csTf2bSCSYLRLHU5u3_A
RT @TheTNHoller
CNN now talking about the LIES 🤥 in the initial police report.
Not mentioned: It said Tyre’s mom told them she thought his friends spiked his drink.🤔
Question everything. @MEM_PoliceDept #JusticeForTyre
Tyre was murdered by police after being brutally beaten at a traffic stop -- which video later showed there was no probable cause to pull him over in the first place. #DefundThePolice & fund real public safety - education, healthcare, & more. #JusticeForTyre
#defundthepolice #justicefortyre
They fired and charged the black officers (rightly so) real quick, but why not the white one? Why am I just even finding out his name? https://apple.news/A_IwDq-L9RRiyApeYKqJEiQ #reformthepolice #stopkillingus #justicefortyrenichols #justicefortyre
#reformthepolice #stopkillingus #justicefortyrenichols #justicefortyre
took days of massive popular outcry for the white #MemphisPolice officer in the #TyreNicholsVideo to face consequences #JusticeForTyre
WTF Memphis
RT @JoshuaPHilll
A sixth Memphis cop has been 'relieved of duty' after the brutal murder of Tyre Nichols.
He's the one white officer, Preston Hemphill. And he's only been put on leave after massive public outcry.
The five Black cops weren't relieved of duty, they were charged with m…
#memphispolice #tyrenicholsvideo #justicefortyre
RT @DecarcerateMem
Tyre loved watching sunsets at Shelby Farms. Let’s make this one special! Sunset, then the protest! #justice4tyre #justicefortyre #blacklivesmatter #officialblacklivesmattermemphis #memphis #decarceratememphis #memphis #sunset
#justice4tyre #justicefortyre #blacklivesmatter #officialblacklivesmattermemphis #memphis #decarceratememphis #sunset