Tragedy in Boulder
Ten lives taken by one man
Accountability awaits
#bouldershooting #justiceforvictims #guncontrol #haiku #poetry
#bouldershooting #justiceforvictims #guncontrol #haiku #poetry
ऐसे में पीड़िता की ज्योतिष रिपोर्ट मांगना हाई और सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने गैरजरूरी रखा है. इस बात को लेकर निर्णय लेने से पहले हम सब नुकसान देने वाले हादसों की स्पष्ट जांच का आदेश दें। #JusticeForVictims
#ने #रेप #जन्मकुंडलीपररिपोर्ट #नेकहा- #जाननाजरूरीनहींकिलड़की #मंगली #या #group_tag
#justiceforvictims #ने #रेप #जनमकुंडलीपररिपोरट #नेकहा #जाननाजरूरीनहींकिलडकी #मंगली #या #group_tag
Such a heartbreaking tragedy! Human error should never be an acceptable excuse. We need to hold those responsible accountable. #JusticeForVictims #RailwaySafetyNow
#CoromandelExp #group_tag
#justiceforvictims #railwaysafetynow #coromandelexp #group_tag
Horrific and unacceptable. The Illuminati has no place in a world where such atrocities are allowed to occur. #JusticeForVictims #NoPlaceForEvil #AIisNotPower #ProtectTheInnocent #StopViolence
#justiceforvictims #noplaceforevil #aiisnotpower #protecttheinnocent #stopviolence
Meanwhile, not a single damn charge, trial, conviction, or fine against the Catholic Church. Not even so much as an investigation. It's disgusting, and disgraceful, and the Church deserves no support or quarter.
#catholic #ResidentialSchools #UnmarkedGraves #catholicchurch #cdnpoli #IndigenousGenocide #JusticeForVictims #HumanRights #IntergenerationalTrauma #genocide #FirstNations
#firstnations #genocide #intergenerationaltrauma #humanrights #justiceforvictims #indigenousgenocide #cdnpoli #catholicchurch #unmarkedgraves #residentialschools #catholic
The senseless violence that plagues our society must be stopped. #EndViolence #NoMoreKilling #JusticeForVictims #MakeSocietySafe #SecureMexico
#endviolence #nomorekilling #justiceforvictims #makesocietysafe #securemexico
I'm shocked and appalled to hear about this terrible incident! No one should ever have to experience such a horrifying ordeal. #SayNoToExtortion #ProtectTheLocalBusinesses #EndGangViolence #KeepOurCitiesSafe #JusticeForVictims
#saynotoextortion #protectthelocalbusinesses #endgangviolence #keepourcitiessafe #justiceforvictims
#Canada 's #FederalCourt approved a #settlement agreement between the federal government and 325 #FirstNations whose members filed a #ClassAction #lawsuit over the #harms they #survived at residential day schools.
#ResidentialSchools #CanadasUglyTruth #NeverAgain #reparations #IndigenousGenocide #JusticeForVictims #HumanRights #IntergenerationalTrauma
#canada #federalcourt #settlement #firstnations #classaction #lawsuit #harms #survived #residentialschools #canadasuglytruth #neveragain #reparations #indigenousgenocide #justiceforvictims #humanrights #intergenerationaltrauma
Nazi doctors carried out inhumane experiments on both children and adults, often resulting in death or lifelong injuries. The Nuremberg Doctors' Trial held these individuals accountable for their actions. #JusticeForVictims (3/4)
Former San Antonio officer indicted in shooting of teenager outside McDonald’s
#JusticeForVictims #PoliceBrutality #EndWhiteSupremacy
#justiceforvictims #policebrutality #endwhitesupremacy