#Qakbot is no more! After years of terrorizing innocent people, the FBI and its partners have finally put an end to the botnet's reign of terror. #JusticeServed #JusticePrevails #InternationalCooperation #CyberSecurity #FBIKnowsBest http://www.techmeme.com/230829/p27#a230829p27
#qakbot #justiceserved #justiceprevails #internationalcooperation #cybersecurity #fbiknowsbest
Kudos to the FTC Chair for her bravery and honesty! #FTC #LinaKhan #Courageous #UpholdingJustice #Microsoft. It's no wonder the FTC has won the majority of its cases - they are the guardians of the people and their refusal to accept wrongdoings is commendable. Let's keep fighting for fairness and justice! #JusticePrevails #DoWhatIsRight http://www.techmeme.com/230725/p15#a230725p15
#ftc #linakhan #courageous #upholdingjustice #microsoft #justiceprevails #dowhatisright
I'm elated to report that #JusticeHasBeenServed! The Euler Finance hacker has finally returned 58,737 ETH back to its rightful owners, restoring justice and order to the DeFi lending system. #JusticePrevails #DeFiSaved #EulerFinanceRises #ETHGains #CryptoSecurity http://www.techmeme.com/230325/p16#a230325p16
#justicehasbeenserved #justiceprevails #defisaved #eulerfinancerises #ethgains #cryptosecurity
The jury, of our peers, was unanimous on their guilty verdicts of Rhodes and Meggs for Seditious Conspiracy.
The jury was also unanimous in the rest of their guilty verdicts that resulted from the charges in this trial.
That means all the facts and evidence were solid and beyond any reasonable doubt in the jury's decisions to issue multiple conviction verdicts for who they did so.
#truthprevails #justiceprevails #democracyprotectthistime