getmisch · @GetMisch
65 followers · 773 posts · Server
Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
140 followers · 2032 posts · Server

I’d argue that and accepting lies is more dangerous when it comes from the . Voters can reject like Ron DeSantis who are obsessed with the of high school . But there is very little the people can do about who are appointed for life and give themselves veto power over the rest of government.

#lying #supremecourt #politicians #genitalia #students #justices #corruptscotus #taxbillionairesoutofexistence

Last updated 1 year ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
1005 followers · 1910 posts · Server

Influential activist helped fund media campaign . Public relations campaign shows how he has continued to exert influence in support of aftr helping them secure appointments. It adds to emerging portrait of Leo as behind-the-scenes , defending justices from public criticism and exalting their jurisprudence while tending to personal matters including private travel and a spouse’s employment.

#leonardleo #lionizing #clarencethomas #rightleaning #justices #lifetime #benefactor

Last updated 1 year ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
977 followers · 1869 posts · Server
ThePdog · @thepdog
265 followers · 566 posts · Server

The recent rulings are going to wreck havoc. They have opened the door for suppressed groups to seek for all the bs practices that organizations have built-in for decades. Let's see what the pos rule on these cases. I'm sure they'll find some argument to defend . All groups need to do the same. Break the system!

#collegeadmissions #affirmativeaction #suppression #originalist #justices #revenge #scotus

Last updated 1 year ago

KT · @KT
90 followers · 899 posts · Server

Defund the . Shut it down. No salaries for the court. lock the doors. No security for the . Turn off the lights, .

No peace, No Justice(s.)

#supremecourt #justices #democrats #joebiden

Last updated 1 year ago

KT · @KT
88 followers · 871 posts · Server

Defund the . Shut it down. No salaries for the court. lock the doors. No security for the . Turn off the lights, .

No peace, No Justice(s.)

#supremecourt #justices #democrats #joebiden

Last updated 1 year ago

KR00K · @phugnacious
9 followers · 157 posts · Server

in 2016: "But moderates", "But centrists", "But corporate ", spreading Russian propaganda and poisoning the well against HRC just enough for Trump to eek out an electoral college win.

2016-2021: Trump stacks the with

2021-2023: The SC dismantles every gain of the last century

Progressives in 2023: "Why aren't Biden and Democrats doing anything?!"

This is why I HATE progressives; they refuse to take responsibility

#civilrights #justices #authoritarian #SupremeCourt #democrats #progressives

Last updated 1 year ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
929 followers · 1798 posts · Server
steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
250 followers · 8038 posts · Server
U.S. Politics in Real Time · @uspolitics
2589 followers · 1840 posts · Server
DesertPaws · @Desertpaws
3 followers · 36 posts · Server

says he cares about the integrity & trustworthiness of the but he allows his court to disintegrate right before our eyes.

The right-wing justices have defiled the court. The court has become corrupted with the stench of the disease and its ideology.

It is my opinion that the court has lost the legitimately & respect due to the unethical actions & behavior of some of its like and . And also inject to that mixture unfit justices that sit not because of their qualifications but because of their credentials.

The court needs an injection of antibiotics & disinfectant to clean out the infection and put the patient on the road to recovery to restore trustworthiness, respect and unless protection of constitutional rights, particularly those of minorities, demands a certain degree of .

#chiefjusticeroberts #supremecourt #maga #justices #justicealito #justicethomas #judicialrestraint #judicialassertiveness

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
4 followers · 474 posts · Server

@npr Gosh, the mind boggles at what could come out if reporters start seriously investigating justices.
I'm willing to predict that we'd need at least 6 new appointed.
Would also be nice to see the and go under the microscope. 🥥

#supremecourt #justices #federalistsociety #leonardleo

Last updated 2 years ago

getmisch · @GetMisch
36 followers · 431 posts · Server
dustcircle :verified: · @dustcircle
188 followers · 5385 posts · Server
dustcircle :verified: · @dustcircle
143 followers · 3989 posts · Server
joe•iuculano :verified_twtr: · @iuculano
395 followers · 9488 posts · Server

and are putting together a that would oblige all open sessions of the to be televised, with exceptions for .

If they have nothing to hide, the should have no objection to it.

#democrats #republicans #bill #supremecourt #dueprocess #scotus #justices

Last updated 2 years ago

Piousunyn · @Piousunyn
291 followers · 7783 posts · Server

@gme @cautionarytale @TomGerhard

So the Post Master General is like Court , incompetence by design?

#supreme #justices

Last updated 2 years ago

Kent Pitman · @kentpitman
354 followers · 304 posts · Server


This seems the whole point of Stare Decisis. Lots of laws are vague and people challenge them, causing courts to fill gaps.

If the legislature disagrees, it can override precedent set by the court by creating an actual law. But to keep from having a lot of trivial laws that say "Yeah, that thing the court said", we just assume that if the legislature has had a long-time ability to change things and chose not to, it must be right.

Stare Decisis is in some ways, oddly, a bit like the "Like" button on social media, which is there to avoid a lot of "me too" posts. If the court says something and the public agrees, it can just leave the court case unchallenged and is supposed to eventually be taken as something firm without having to do more.

This is why it's so VERY improper for judges (or the recent crop of people ironically called justices) to be going back and reconsidering these cases. They treat it as no small matter, and even an oversight, that no one has intervened. But it's a big deal, because they are overriding the fact that majorities for a long time have, in their own way, already said "Like".

They make the flimsy claim that they have wanted to but haven't had the votes, not realizing they are saying "our position was not the consensus position". That's not how Democracy works.

And it's only made worse when you see the whole SCOTUS appointment system heavily leveraged to allow popular minorities excess power and to allow false statements by candidates to go unchecked. The Supreme Court is supposed to be about something beyond the popular vote, but that doesn't mean it's supposed to be about private capture of the Court for a selfish purpose. Something way out of kilter there. Not even an enforceable code of ethics among those who seem clearly to have lied to get there, especially on a point so important as policy about Stare Decisis.

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. But I think this is something we all need to discuss in a nation responsive to the people.

#law #abortion #reproductiverights #caselaw #staredecisis #judges #justices #scotus #philosophy #judicialphilosophy

Last updated 2 years ago