The problem with going to a nightclub when you are in the middle of reading The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner is that you start wondering which of the other attendees is actually a shape shifting potentate from a mysterious other realm.
It would be great having a shapeshifting demonic friend all the same. #JustifiedSinner
CFP: Hogg/neo-Hogg
MLA Convention 2024, Philadelphia
Marking the 200th anniversary of The Private Memoirs & Confessions of a Justified Sinner’s publication, papers are invited on James Hogg’s novel, its influence & afterlives
#Scottish #literature #romanticism #gothic #JamesHogg #JustifiedSinner
#justifiedsinner #jameshogg #gothic #romanticism #literature #scottish
Robert makes a new friend, one who looks exactly like him but whose features can change to resemble others. #JustifiedSinner
The two lady detectives appear to be on the brink of a terrifying discovery regarding Wringham's associate.
Shocking and mysterious events, plus the revelation that the city devout Calvinists were unable to eliminate Edinburgh's sex trade.
Something tells me that real brocken spectres are less exciting. #JustifiedSinner
We're already in evil twin / malevolent familiar territory, and [redacted] hasn't even shown up yet.
Yesterday also featured the great euphemism "reading from the same book". #JustifiedSinner
Five pages in and already the horrors of rigid predestination are being laid before us. I also find myself thinking that this marriage may have been a mistake. #JustifiedSinner
Trying to think of a hashtag for when I am reading The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner in daily chunks. #DailySinner #JustifiedSinner
What am I doing this evening? Why, I am dividing James Hogg's Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner into daily chunks for a group read. #GothicFiction #GothicFiction #JustifiedSinner
#GothicFiction #justifiedsinner
The #Weirdstone of Brisingamen – #AlanGarner
#Alice in #Wonderland – #LewisCarroll
#TheWormOuroboros – #EREddison
The #HouseOnTheBorderlands – #WilliamHopeHodgson
Confessions of a #JustifiedSinner – #JamesHogg
The #RingsOfSaturn – #WGSebald
On sober reflection I’ve decided to swap out The Worm Ouroboros, for #Slaughterhouse5 – #Vonnegut
#7books #weirdstone #alangarner #alice #Wonderland #lewiscarroll #thewormouroboros #ereddison #houseontheborderlands #williamhopehodgson #justifiedsinner #jameshogg #ringsofsaturn #wgsebald #haiku #rhblyth #garner #carroll #eddison #hodgson #hogg #sebald #blyth #slaughterhouse5 #vonnegut