#FollowFriday #bloodythursday #thursdaynightmassacre setting up on a new social as is most of us. #scienceisreal
#sobriety #sober #marijuana #marijuanalegalization he seems to be on something amphetamine or related. Cocaine probably.. He has money and therefore power, he needs rehab before he destroys the country. I know its not all the drugs, it is his mind as well but i don't think he can think clearly right now . #shivonzilis #grimes #justinemusk #justinewilson Children are the future!
#FollowFriday #bloodythursday #thursdaynightmassacre #scienceisreal #sobriety #sober #marijuana #marijuanalegalization #shivonzilis #grimes #justinemusk #justinewilson
[One of Elon Musk’s children has allegedly filed to change their name to distance themselves from their father, according to reports.]
#ElonMusk #Tesla #SolarCity #Grimes #Auto #spacex #JustineWilson #XavierMusk
#elonmusk #tesla #solarcity #grimes #auto #spacex #justinewilson #xaviermusk