Caught a bit of Boa Morte’s sound check in Levis Corner House before heading off.
Would have loved to have stayed for the gig with ADT & Justin Grounds but another adventure beckoned.
Boa Morte online:
#BoaMorte #SoundCheck #LevisCornerHouse #Ballydehob #WestCork #LiveMusic #ADT #JustinGrounds
#boamorte #soundcheck #leviscornerhouse #Ballydehob #westcork #livemusic #adt #justingrounds
📷 Ballydehob Trad Fest 2023 featuring:
📷 - 1 Eva Coyle
📷 - 2 Session violin
📷 - 3 Justin Grounds
📷 - 4 Session
#Ballydehob #TradFest #JustinGrounds #Session #EvaCoyle #Violin #UileannPipes #BlackAndWhite #MusicPhotography #LevisCornerHouse #WestCork
#Ballydehob #TradFest #justingrounds #session #evacoyle #violin #uileannpipes #blackandwhite #musicphotography #leviscornerhouse #westcork