Earlier today, I watched this excellent and first-rate video by Justin Trouble explaining and defining what Critical Race Theory is. If you want to help people understand what Critical Race Theory is and why it is wrong, be sure to spread this video around. Also be sure to subscribe to Justin Trouble's JoshWho TV channel, and watch his other videos!
#joshwhotv #exposed #criticalracetheory #crt #justintrouble
Here is the replay of last night's JoshWho News livestream. I enjoyed watching it, especially the beginning when SeekingTheTruth talked about the concept of decentralization. If you like the stream as much as I did, I would encourage you to subscribe to SeekingTheTruth's channel, and check out his other videos.
#seekingthetruth #justintrouble #alttech #joshwhonews #livestream
#livestream #joshwhonews #alttech #justintrouble #seekingthetruth
Just finished watching Justin Trouble's awesome video exposing how the maskers are an anti-science cult. If you enjoy this video as much as I did, I would encourage you to subscribe to Justin Trouble's JoshWho TV channel, and check out his other videos.
#antiscience #maskcult #coronavirus #masks #justintrouble
For those of you who missed it last night, here is the replay of last night's JoshWho News livestream that took place on SeekingTheTruth's JoshWho TV channel. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to his channel, and check out his other videos.
#seekingthetruth #joshwhonews #justintrouble #livestream #joshwhotv
#joshwhotv #livestream #justintrouble #joshwhonews #seekingthetruth
Currently watching the replay of tonight's JoshWho TV livestream for JoshWho News, where they brought on Justin Trouble as a guest. If you like the stream, I recommend that you subscribe to the JoshWho News channel, and check out their other streams.
#seekingthetruth #justintrouble #joshwhonews #livestream #joshwhotv
#joshwhotv #livestream #joshwhonews #justintrouble #seekingthetruth