A couple of years ago I wrote a short, flash-length story which is silly as heck, blends speculative fiction / SFF with some interesting genre-bending stuff, is actually quite funny but has a point to make, and which, damnit, keeps getting the *loveliest* kindest and most encouraging rejections I’ve ever had. 🤷♀️😂😞
#WritingLife #JustKeepSwimming
#writinglife #justkeepswimming
I held a boundary today even though it was very difficult. I feel like I deserve a day off or a star sticker, but instead, I get more of the same tomorrow. Yay, adulting.
These are two of the happy places in the UK. #swimming #lido #docks #justkeepswimming #water #swimbritain
#swimming #lido #docks #justkeepswimming #water #swimbritain
It is, of course, acutely embarrassing that I’ve been trying to go full indie since attending my first Chicago conference… in 2008. #justkeepswimming
Swam 1K meters today.
It was a slog, felt like #swimming through molasses, but I made it through
#Swimming has always been a huge part of my life. My goal this year is to swim 150K yards (~85 miles). It’s not anywhere close to what I used to swim (200 miles) in a year, but having a realistic goal coming off of knee replacement surgery is the key to a successful rehab and achieving my goal.
Today I swam 1K meters.
This morning I thought I would add more strength sets to my swim workout. Fins are hard (and painful) NO! However, I can now do 2 x 100 IM. My fly is a little less sea-horsey and my breast kick is getting even better (and still pain free).
#JustKeepSwimming #RehabIsALongRoad
#justkeepswimming #rehabisalongroad
I was able to do 3 x 50s of IM (4 x 12.5) this morning. Including breaststroke! This is huge. I don't have all the flexibility in my knee to make it legal, but I can do it and without pain! This is HUGE! #JustKeepSwimming #RehabIsALongRoad
#justkeepswimming #rehabisalongroad
My fails this week: (since Thurs)
Left lights on in car and had to be rescued with a jump start.
Managed to cook a meal but found half the ingredients still on the counter later.
Couldn't go to a social event as used all my spoons working all week.
Played a game for 5hrs this morn then got a headache as I'd forgotten to drink or eat anything.
Various forgetting what I was literally just thinking about.
I can still convince myself I'm fine, I don't need help. #adhd #tired #justkeepswimming
#justkeepswimming #tired #adhd
Not only can I land two feet on the wall during my flip turns, I can also push off with both feet! This is a huge deal for my knee rehab. #JustKeepSwimming #RehabIsALongRoad
#justkeepswimming #rehabisalongroad
It’s been a morning, but I had the best out of it. I spent the night up with a bug in my stomach and this morning I barely had breakfast, but nonetheless I did 1800m swimming.
Give me water and I become a completely different person! #justkeepswimming
A mini note for this week:
Mulling: how policy and product practices can benefit from each other. How to bring UCD to policy at start of processes
Doing: Starting a co creative process with policy peeps on op model - more next week.
Getting UEC policy team to agree problem statement and plan of attack on reduction of ambulance demand and getting patients where they need to go, quicker.
Lots of swimming!! #ucd #policy #product #justkeepswimming
#ucd #policy #product #justkeepswimming
Man Calmly Sinks To Bottom Of 33-Meter Pool Seated In Lotus Position http://geekologie.com/2018/05/man-calmly-sinks-to-bottom-of-33-meter-p.php #icouldntdoit--onetimeiswamallthewaytothebottomofan18-footpoolandthoughtmyheadwasgoingtoexplodeandballsrupture #dontforgettonotbreathe #thatisterrifyingtome #holdingyourbreath #justkeepswimming #meditating #staycalm #swimming #sinking
#icouldntdoit #dontforgettonotbreathe #thatisterrifyingtome #holdingyourbreath #justkeepswimming #meditating #staycalm #swimming #sinking
Fatigue is pretty strong today - I'm really tempted to skip my appointment or try to FaceTime it, but I know I can't. Up and at 'em, I suppose.