Jesse Butler · @Jesse
34 followers · 71 posts · Server

“A, myne uncle Kynge Arthur, my good brothir Sir Gareth ys slayne, and so ys my brothir Sir Gaherys, whych were two noble knyghtes.” [seyde Sir Gawayne]

Apparently while both his brothers are noble, he definitely loved Gareth best. There are three lines that emphasize how much this is so.

Getting into the end game, Lancelot has killed forty knights in two days.

#arthuriana #lemortedarthur #middleenglish #literature #gawain #lancelot #justknightlythings

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Butler · @Jesse
33 followers · 70 posts · Server

However, Lady Elaine arranges her funeral barge to be sent to London so all court will know her death was due to Lancelot’s refusal. Not that he owed her anything, but so it goes with knightly love.

Second tourney Lancelot bears the Queen’s favor, but this time pretends to be a Saracen. He really likes beating up his fellow around Table Knights.


#justknightlythings #literature #middleenglish #lemortedarthur #lancelot #arthuriana

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Butler · @Jesse
33 followers · 70 posts · Server

“But at his [Sir Lanç’s] arrival* the joy of Queen Zinerva, the King’s wife, was a thousand-fold greater than all the others.” —King Artus, Anonymous (1279)

*There is a double entendre in Hebrew. Bi’ah can also mean the sexual act. See B. T. Yoma 86 b, and Mishna Kedushin 1:1. —Curt Leviant

#justknightlythings #lemortedarthur #literature #medieval #hebrewmanuscripts #hebrew #arthuriana

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Butler · @Jesse
31 followers · 57 posts · Server

“A, good knight,” seyde he, “thou arte a foole; for that jantillewoman was the mayster fyende of helle, which hath pousté over all other devyllis—and that was the olde lady that thou saw in thyne avision rydyng on the serpente!”

Good thing he crossed himself before sexing. That could have gone poorly.

#justknightlythings #percival #lemortedarthur

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Butler · @Jesse
31 followers · 56 posts · Server

“Yes,” he seyde, “I shall promyse you to fullfylle youre desyre.” —Le Morte D’Arthur, Book XIV

That’s the second time Sir Percivale has promised a strange damesell an unspecified favor in less than a week. The last one gave him a demon steed that tried to kill him.

But if you can’t trust jantillewoman of grete beauté and clothed rychly, who can you tryst?

#justknightlythings #percival #literature #middleenglish #lemortedarthur

Last updated 2 years ago

Calico Jesse · @deinol
397 followers · 293 posts · Server

“Alas, said Sir Launcelot, what have I done to fight with you that art a knight of the Round Table, that sometime was your fellow?”

Dude, you were ashamed of your deeds so you changed names and went to live in a distant castle. But then you got bored and charged a dwarf to tell passing knights that they should come challenge you. Did you not think some of those passing knights might be from Arthur’s Court? Half of all knights seem to be from the round table.

#lemortedarthur #justknightlythings

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Butler · @Jesse
30 followers · 48 posts · Server

Aglovale: Dude, where’s my squire?

Lord: I killed him.

Aglovale: Why?

Lord: Because you killed my son.

Aglovale: Oh right. Well, he deserved it. I guess I gotta kill you too now.

And by whacky I mean a lot of knights get whacked.

#justknightlythings #whackyadventures #lemortedarthur #literature #middleenglish #legend #arthurian

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Butler · @Jesse
30 followers · 47 posts · Server

I was excited at reaching the conception and birth of Galahad because I thought that might mean we were moving along in the plot. But no, Lancelot goes mad because Guinevere rebuked him for committing adultery inadvertently with someone not her.

So now all the knights of the round table are off having whacky adventures while trying to find the insane, wandering Lancelot.

#justknightlythings #whackyadventures #lemortedarthur #literature #middleenglish #legend #arthurian

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Butler · @Jesse
34 followers · 47 posts · Server

Example: Palomides finds a wounded knight and is like, yo, switch armor with me so I can beat up Tristram without him knowing. But I’ll claim to not know it was him cause he wore red today instead of green.

Isoud sees the whole thing and tells Tristram later, but he’s like, nah, I believe my bro here.

#justknightlythings #lemortedarthur #literature #middleenglish #legend #arthurian

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Butler · @Jesse
34 followers · 46 posts · Server

I have reached the end of Book X. The second half of which is “How many ways can Sir Launcelot, Sir Tristram, and Sir Palomides encounter each other where at least one does not know the identity of the other?”

In a tournament Sir Tristram changes colors three times, just to fight more people.

#justknightlythings #lemortedarthur #literature #middleenglish #legend #arthurian

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Butler · @Jesse
30 followers · 42 posts · Server

“Why, said La Beale Isoud, are ye a knight and be no lover?”

My subtext alarm is blaring. Could it be that Sir Dinadan is a gay knight?

In this he’s said to be the funniest of knight, although his jokes go mostly unrecorded. I’m curious to read about him in other sources.

#justknightlythings #gay #malory #mythology #literature #lemortedarthur #middleenglish #arthurian

Last updated 2 years ago

Jesse Butler · @Jesse
27 followers · 39 posts · Server

We interrupt the saga of Sir Tristram to bring you seven days of jousting ending with Sir Launcelot in a dress.

Le Morte D’Arthur, Book X, chapters 40-50

#justknightlythings #malory #mythology #literature #lemortedarthur #middleenglish #arthurian

Last updated 2 years ago