Dinosaur Jr. - Just Like Heaven (Live on KEXP)
Je ne connaissais pas cette reprise, et putain qu'elle est bonne et bien fagotée...
Deux groupes que j'aime, en ping pong.
El líder y vocalista de The Cure es distinguido por transmitir sentimientos profundos e intensos en sus composiciones y "Just Like Heaven" no es la excepción. Hace sentir el amor de una manera tan honesta debido a que Smith escribió la canción inspirado en un viaje a la orilla del mar con la que se convertiría en su esposa, Mary Poole.
Con ustedes...
📻 https://youtu.be/ar3gpz9HXjc
#thecure #robertsmith #justlikeheaven #music #música #cancion #song #rock #pop #clasico #classic #art #arte
#thecure #robertsmith #justlikeheaven #music #musica #cancion #song #rock #pop #clasico #classic #art #arte
Happy anniversary to The Cure’s album, 'Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me’. Released this week in 1987. #thecure #robertsmith #kissmekissmekissme #whycantibeyou #catch #justlikeheaven #hothothot
#thecure #RobertSmith #kissmekissmekissme #whycantibeyou #catch #justlikeheaven #hothothot
35 years ago
"Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me", is the seventh studio album by British alternative rock band The Cure, released in May 1987.
This is the video of the single "Just Like Heaven" .
#anniversary #album #thecure #kissme #justlikeheaven #postpunk #goth #newwave #rock #80s #music #musica
#anniversary #album #thecure #kissme #justlikeheaven #postpunk #goth #newwave #rock #80s #music #musica
#TheLastOfUs #ItsBeenZeroDaysSinceTheLastTimeICried #LostAndLonely #You #JustLikeHeaven
#TheLastOfUs #itsbeenzerodayssincethelasttimeicried #lostandlonely #you #justlikeheaven
Having #JustLikeHeaven as the carousel music in ep. 7 of #TheLastOfUs was such a nice touch. #LastOfUs #TheCure
#justlikeheaven #thelastofus #lastofus #thecure
#Day9 of the #30DaySongChallenge
A song that makes you happy.
At the risk of posting the same song for more than one of these... this is my all time fave track and never fails to make me smile, or want to sing... I will belt this one out in the car if driving on my own, I'll listen to it to lift my spirits.
It's a happy, happy song... I've even said I want it played at my funeral.
#day9 #30daysongchallenge #thecure #justlikeheaven
It's been a few days since I did one of the #30DaySongChallenge but I'm up to #Day6 after about 3 weeks. 🤣
Today it's a Song that makes you want to dance.
That's hard... almost impossible. I don't dance... ever... I might occasionally jiggle a little like the Gopher from Caddyshack and I have been known to slow dance on occasion... and that's about it.
Want to dance rather than actually dance.... Only my all time fave track can do that.
#30daysongchallenge #day6 #thecure #justlikeheaven
Lets kick today of with a grin... Because this song is number 1 on my all time greatest choons list.
It never fails to make me smile, if it comes on in the car... I will sing along LOUDLY... no matter who's in the car with me... no matter how terrible my singing is (it's pretty bad).
If you're sad, hit me up for some giggles.
Ach wie ich diesen Song liebe😍