Gue sama Nicole when it comes to that dessert duo cenderung punya pola pikir yang sama, walaupun udah jelas banget terpampang nyata gitu yes kalo istilahnya syr sayang aja gitu kl kita paksa *mereka* buat mandi lebih awal #istilahbola karena si pisangnya ini main instrumen mulu boro2 nyanyi bareng sama si bini eskrimnya. Lebih kayak main (di) belakang (layar) gitu, bini eskrimnya yang lebih aktif ya buuunnddd #BRIGITTANSDAY #justmytwocents ✌️🍌🍦🤎🎶💋
#istilahbola #brigittansday #justmytwocents
If I really liked Metallica, I would sure give their new album a listen. But I never liked more than maybe five of their songs so ... nah, thank you.
I'd say it depends in the context. Maybe it helps to imagine speaking to a visually impaired person.
Rule of thumb for me: any description is better than none.
I guess what you're asking here is: when is it too much? When in doubt leave it out.
seems like we dont hear about "shaggers" as much as we you used to #justmytwocents
But for me there's something missing about this lineup 👀 *they* said that tonight's theme is tribute to Indonesian (legendary) bands or perhaps it is just *their* marketing strategy in order to attract more viewers because it seems like *they* are focusing on 2000s bands. Had one of these contestants been brave enough to sing a KLa Project songs, it would have been highly appreciated for me #justmytwocents
Crownless winner ceunah, pemenang tanpa mahkota 👑 #goodmorning #justmytwocents
If #DavidFoster were the #GreatestOfAllTime when it comes to music, then #MichaelJordan is the #GreatestOfAllTime when it comes to basketball and #MichaelSchumacher is the #GreatestOfAllTime when it comes to auto racing. But when it comes to soccer, Messi as well as the late Pele and Diego Maradona were the #GreatestOfAllTime indeed 👌 #anoldschoolkid #justmytwocents
#davidfoster #greatestofalltime #michaeljordan #michaelschumacher #anoldschoolkid #justmytwocents
I have my own opinion on fireworks. I just see that as a waste of money, plus most people who do them never clean up afterwards and I feel sorry for all the animals who get scared by the noises.
I get that people "need" this to welcome the new year. All fine, no problem to do them on New Year's Eve at midnight. But why do people have to do fireworks two days earlier as soon as they get sold? It's madness...
@h2500 @cbcworld i don’t have facts about that. Just my thought out of experiencing frequent power interruptions when the new housing devt sprawl past our city boundaries. Power outage doesn’t happen often before, then we’ll add EVs to the mix of demand. I have nothing against EVs, and I’m just hoping the gov’t is aiming to meet emissions target without overlooking the resource readiness to attain that. 2026 is just 3 years away, if there is no plan to build more charging stations and making sure the power grid has the capacity for this surge in demand, then it’ll be a challenging scenario when the time comes. #justmytwocents
Ernsthaft. Wie kann man #threema freiwillig nutzen? UX ist miserabel, Benachrichtigungen kommen nicht an, kaum Updates, Closed-Source, kostenpflichtig, Schweizer Server als Argument von Datenschutz, Nutzerzahlen seit Jahren gleich, kein PFS für iOS, Desktop Client nicht vorhanden, für Casualanwender zu kompliziert, es fallen Metadaten an, Kommerzielles Interesse (keine NPO, fraglich ob genug Personen bereit sind 5€ für einen Alpha-Client zu bezahlen um die Kosten zu stemmen.)
Er jeg den eneste Addams Family elsker, der ikke er så vild med Tim Burtons "Wednesday"?
1. Jeg savner lidenskaben fra Gomez
2. Catarina Zeta-Jones overspiller sygt meget
3. Addams-familiens forløsning og genforening er ALT for normativ og slet ikke i den sjove spøjse at "alt det modsatte er fedt" ånd.
4. Der går for meget High School fnis vi skal kysse i den.
But i'm kinda playing as a devil advocate right here, some sort of. Di season nya USA ini kan solois mulu tuh yang menang, paling kalau ada boyband/girlband yang ikut itu cuma pentolan atau perwakilannya aja kayak Nick Lachey (98 Degrees) di season 5. Plot twist nya menurut gue adalah jangan2 trio biribiri itu yang bakal menang musim ini #breakthechains ⛓️ #maskedsinger #season8 #justmytwocents okay?! 💋 demi Tuhan gue 100% buat si Harpa itu ygy 🎻
#breakthechains #maskedsinger #season8 #justmytwocents
@sarahloyd The number one thing I can recommend is investing in sticky notes. As a someone who was diagnosed 30 years ago (after intense testing because my mother didn’t trust the initial diagnosis), that has been big. Keeping stuff in front of you will help you keep it on your mind. #JustMyTwoCents
@laracroft I cannot fathom how an official bulletin from public health oficials is #sensitivecontent and requires a #contentwarning. Potentially people can disagree and controversy is always possible but that is equally true of discussing which motor oil is best or whether or not to use fabric softener. Seems like a small town ethos that won't age well but then I don't have a working crystal ball at the moment. #justmytwocents #newbie
#sensitivecontent #ContentWarning #justmytwocents #newbie
the establishment want a Trump Biden matchup
tweedledee & tweedledum
neither will really shake things up tho Trump will keep up the polarizing antics