We're sending a huge thank you to everyone who donated to #JustOneBook!
Thanks to your kindness, we were able to give out 8,750 festive book gifts to children in care and 7,250 through food banks and community organisations.
You're amazing ❤️ https://www.booktrust.org.uk/xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-thank-you-video-140123
We'd like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated to #JustOneBook!
With your kindness, we gave 8,750 festive book parcels to children in care and 7,250 to young people through food banks and community organisations.
You made such a difference ❤️ https://www.booktrust.org.uk/xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-thank-you-video-130123
We're sending a massive THANK YOU to everyone who donated to our #JustOneBook appeal - you have made a huge difference! ✨
If you'd like to continue supporting our work in 2023, head over this way to set up a monthly donation: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-040122-thank-you
We would like to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to our #JustOneBook appeal or supported our work throughout the year.
You're the absolute best.
If you'd like to keep helping us, you can set up a monthly donation here: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-311222-thank-you
We're sending a huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated to #JustOneBook - you've made such a difference to children across the country ❤️
If you'd like to keep supporting our work, you can become a BookTrust Friend by setting up a monthly donation: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-271222-thank-you
Whether you need a last-minute present or want to spread a bit of joy and love, it's not too late to donate to #JustOneBook!
Find out how you could help send 16,000 books to children who are vulnerable or in care: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-241222
It's not too late to donate to #JustOneBook - this year, we want to send 16,000 surprise book gifts to children who are vulnerable or in care.
Here's what a difference it has made to families in South Wales: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/news-and-features/features/2022/december/how-our-festive-book-packs-are-spreading-joy-to-children-in-south-wales/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-231222-wales-case-study
It's so exciting seeing our #JustOneBook festive parcels getting shipped out, ready to surprise children who are vulnerable or in care!
It's not too late to get involved - just head over this way to donate: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-231222-warehouse-video
If you need a last-minute Christmas present, DON'T PANIC!
You can donate on someone's behalf to #JustOneBook - we'll email you a certificate to print out, and your kind gift could help send 16,000 festive parcels to children who are vulnerable or in care: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-221222-gifting
'People just don’t expect to receive things like high quality books. Everyone is just so excited see them, because they feel special, they’re unexpected treats.'
Here's how #JustOneBook has made a difference to families in Wales - you can still donate! https://www.booktrust.org.uk/news-and-features/features/2022/december/how-our-festive-book-packs-are-spreading-joy-to-children-in-south-wales/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-221222-wales-case-study
Missed the last post? ✉️
Don't panic - just head over to @dontsendmeacard@twitter.com where you can choose one of our cute ecards to send to your loved ones AND raise money for #JustOneBook at the same time! https://www.dontsendmeacard.com/ecards/charities/booktrust
'It was just magical to be spreading that joy.'
We spoke to Heather Thomas at @FareShareCymru@twitter.com & Hannah Cogbill at @BigBocsBwyd@twitter.com to find out what a difference #JustOneBook can make to the children and families they work with in South Wales: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/news-and-features/features/2022/december/how-our-festive-book-packs-are-spreading-joy-to-children-in-south-wales/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-211222-wales-case-study @BookTrustCymru@twitter.com
What a treat it was to visit Santa's warehouse to see our #JustOneBook gifts getting sent out to children who are vulnerable or in care!
It's not too late to donate and help us get packs out to 16,000 children - head this way to get involved: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-201222-warehouse
If you've suddenly realised you need a Secret Santa present, like, NOW, don't worry - you can donate to #JustOneBook on behalf of someone else!
You'll get a certificate to give them, and it could help us send 16,000 festive gifts to vulnerable children: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-201222-gifting
Gulp! Suddenly remembered you still have a gift to buy? Missed the last posting dates? STILL haven't sorted Secret Santa?
Donate on someone else's behalf to #JustOneBook and you'll receive a certificate to share with them: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-191222-gifting
We've been down to Santa's warehouse to see our #JustOneBook parcels getting sent out to children who are vulnerable or in care! 📦
It's not too late to join in and send a festive book gift - just head this way to donate: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-191222-warehouse-video
YOU can make such a difference to a child like Mona by donating to #JustOneBook.
This year, we want to send 16,000 festive book gifts to children who are vulnerable or in care - and you can help today: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-181222-mona-postcard
This is the amazing difference you can make by donating £10 to #JustOneBook ✨
This year we want to give out 16,000 surprise festive book gifts to children who are vulnerable or in care - and you can help today:
Doing some last-minute Christmas shopping this weekend and a bit stuck?
Donate to #JustOneBook on someone else's behalf - you'll get a certificate to give them, and it could help to send 16,000 festive book gifts to children who are vulnerable or in care: https://secure.booktrust.org.uk/donation-xmas?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-161222-gifting
We're so grateful to @buildabear@twitter.com Foundation, who are helping us to reach lots of children by donating £50,000 to our #JustOneBook Christmas appeal!
Find out what a difference this will make to young people across the country here: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/news-and-features/news/news-2022/build-a-bear-foundation-pledges-its-support-for-booktrusts-justonebook-appeal/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=christmas-2022&utm_content=twitter-post-161222-build-a-bear
Pic: Kate Hindley