Irgendwie süß – als ich 11 war, hab ich den Song »I'm not a girl, not yet a woman« von Britney total geliebt. I wasn't a girl at these times, sondern erst etwas weniger als 20 Jahre später, und dann eben direkt erwachsen. #justtransthings
Klar ist das im Nachhinein auch Projektion, aber es ist schön zu glauben, man hätte damals auch schon gefühlt, dass man queer ist, obwohl rational das damals nicht der Fall war – aber eben auch aufgrund vonUnwissen und hetero normativer, konservativer Umgebung
In the last few years the world’s felt like a battle royale, the circle of safety constantly shrinking… weren’t things supposed to get better?
Casually writing "file human rights complaint" in your schedule like it was an ordinary thing.... #JustTransThings
Standing in the shower and realizing my first mamogram — despite being completely validating and, honestly, whimsical — was a traumatic experience, because I spent the entire time terrified that I was going to get clocked and the entire situation would turn bad in a heartbeat.
Having an injection every 3 months instead of weekly or doing a daily gel is so fucking nice #justtransthings
Don't you love how terfs get so narcissistic and self absorbed around trans women and try to claim we are angry and seethingly jealous that we will never be as hot and sexy as they are just because they are cis women
And you're like "girl your ass is mid at best!"
#trans #transgirl #justtransthings #transisbeautiful
That feeling when a friend of many years tells you they had you pegged as an egg six years before you realized you were a girl.
#trans #transgender #justtransthings
Anscheinend kann man die Energiekostenpauschale für Studierende nicht in Anspruch nehmen, wenn auf der Immatrikulationsbescheinigung ein anderer Name als im Paß steht... Interesting. Most interesting.
#justtransthings #trans #transgender :transgender_flag:
#justtransthings #trans #transgender
So....I inadvertently caused a receptionist get called into the office today
I get called in to the doctor's they want to get a blood sample from me,
Do here I am in the waiting room, and receptionist 1 calls out my deadname
I cringe but I respond with "actually it's Jessica,"
Receptionist 2: "Jessica is her preferred name"
(Actually it's my legal name and should be listed as such on my records but I digress)
Receptionist 1: oh......*looks at chart again* where's (deadname)
Me *facepalmms but responds "yeah that's me but my name is Jessica"
Receptionist 2 and Office manager: that's her PREFERRED NAME! She WAS. (deadname) but now she's Jessica "
Receptionist 1 "oh.....sorry man!"
By this time I'm thoroughly embarrassed bt just want to get this over with my mouth is open but no words are coming out
Office Manager: "can I talk to you in my office for a second "
Guy goes back completely clueless
He wasn't being malicious or anything, dude just had his head up his ass
#trans #justtransthings #deadnaming #misgendering
Jeezum crow
New hormone thing just dropped
I swear since I've been on HRT my hair has gotten thicker!
It's like trying to put a horse tail into a ballet bun!
#justtransthings #hrt #trans #transwoman
Me picking up prescriptions for myself and my wife: pharmacist calls me by my wife’s name. Mild and amusing gender euphoria.
Calling optometrist to book appointments for myself and my wife: receptionist takes my name, books the appointment, and then tries to use my son’s name for the second appointment. Sigh.
My mum always used to worry that she was a bad mother who was doing a bad job raising me but when I pointed out something genuinely bad she was doing and told her how to fix it she thought the right move was to call me a bigot for telling her to stop trying to do conversion therapy on me. Funny that.. 🤔 #JustTransThings
(Don't worry folks, her attempts were laughably ineffective... Every time she went "Boohoo, what about me?" I just laughed at her and told her to stop being a weirdo... 😏 )
I saw a post by another trans gal who got #FFS complaining about her surgeon not being sensitive to her cultural heritage regarding the work done on her nose. I had two of three surgeons I consulted with recommend #nosejobs. I'm 50/50 on it as I've never felt particularly dysphoric about my nose. If anything bothers me it's my brow bone and chin. Any other #trans gals who have been through this want to weigh in? #Selfie for reference.
#ffs #nosejobs #trans #selfie #justtransthings #dysphoriasucks
HRT shot day today, get everything drawn up and set up, go to insert the needle into my leg AND IT PRACTICALLY BOUNCES OFF. Skin is like "Not today, girlie!" Much persuasion required to get needle past skin.
Me, to myself: "How the fuck did I roll a natural 1 IRL when STABBING MYSELF?!?!?"
(Obviously I need to moisturize more, I'm also having trouble lately with insulin needles not wanting to insert as well, and that's usually the fix).
#JustTransThings I guess.
I'm laying in bed streaming a goofy stoner movie while my doggirl thingfriend says stuff like "I #awoo at you" "ur smol and cute" and "aruff aroo." it's sitting next to me stitching lettering for patches it's gonna put on its jean jacket to intimidate bigots. I'm purring proudly about a hard day's work at the help desk.
So yeah we're basically your standard #enbian #transbian couple. #justtransthings #therian #trans
#awoo #enbian #transbian #justtransthings #therian #trans
So I get to the closeted 20 something stoner that works at Walmart in Nevada and I'm like goddamnit Imogen Binnie! Why? That was my life for three years and I loathed every minute of it. When the #relatablecontent gets too relatable.
#relatablecontent #justtransthings
It's #timelineThursday, and I finally have it in me to post about this.
The first picture is from 2020, one of the last pictures of me before I'd fully come to terms with being trans.
The second picture is from "HRT Day 0", October 15th 2021.
The picture is from just now, after 14 months of HRT (the most recent two with progesterone added).
CW: transition timeline, eye contact
#timelinethursday #justtransthings #trans #nonbinary
Look into the eyes of your ever rupturing inner horrors as they piss in your face #justtransthings
Writing the letters to my mom and 5 siblings this week to set down hard-line boundaries for their behaviors. And going #NoContact if they don't follow them.
Yay being a Tranny from a militantly Catholic family. My dad is the only one that's even trying.
#LeSigh #Trans #JustTransThings #Transgender #ReligiousTrauma
#nocontact #lesigh #trans #justtransthings #transgender #religioustrauma
It's 7am and time to take my breast mints for the morning #JustTransThings ☺️🥰