Happy 45th anniversary to The Cars eponymous debut album. Released this week in 1978. #thecars #justwhatineeded #mybestfriendsgirl #letthegoodtimesroll
#TheCars #justwhatineeded #mybestfriendsgirl #letthegoodtimesroll
Happy anniversary to The Cars debut single. “Just What I Needed”. Released this week in 1978. #thecars #justwhatineeded
Today’s haul!
Was lucky to find some patterns for my year of Artistry ☺️ I was planning on doing more sewing this year! #justwhatineeded
#amreading #sewing #hinduism #buddhism #dharma #spirituality #bookstodon
#justwhatineeded #amreading #sewing #hinduism #buddhism #dharma #spirituality #bookstodon
@AccordionBruce @accordionnoir You can also find my own "Stupid Accordion Tricks" solo take on #TheCars' #JustWhatINeeded at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob-Tng24ULc