Are coronaviruses usually more dangerous, contagious, or severe than other virus types, or is it just SARS1 and SARS2? #JustWondering
Wondering if anyone recognizes on what kinda graphic file I'm working on and for what usage it is... #JustWondering #NotAskingForAFriend
#justwondering #notaskingforafriend
@talon @jdking92 about that, just a question, will the #Ambeo for Iphone work if I buy a type C adaptor and plug it to my android device? #JustWondering
When does history start, and prehistory end?🤔
Why is it that we have a designated laundry day, but not a designated day to clean the dishes? Are our clothes more important than our plates and utensils? #JustWondering
Kommt es eigentlich häufiger vor, dass Apps, die millionenfach runtergeladen wurden, das für sie zentrale Feature "verlieren"? #justwondering #CoronaWarnApp
Why do we call them 'adults' when they act more like oversized toddlers? #justwondering
#oscars Anybody else find that sketch about the drunken, 'fighty' Irish a bit tasteless? What's with the stupid, unnecessary stereotyping??!
Would they have done a sketch that dumb about another nation? #justwondering #oscars23
#oscars #justwondering #oscars23
I'm having breakfast across the street from McDonald's. Right outside McDonald's is a tent and a #police vehicle parked next to it. The tent's canopy reads:
PNP-CIA #Bayanihan #PublicAssistance Station
That's nice, i think. #BetterThanZero. Though I wonder: do people know about this temp station* that they would know the nearest place to go to for help? 🤔 #JustWondering
Or maybe it's more for having cops stay near areas where there are no actual stations, for faster response.
#Police #bayanihan #publicassistance #BetterThanZero #justwondering
I’m reading some sci-fi book and there is talk about communications implants. In a lot of tech sci-fi stories people have all sorts of implants. They often use nano wiring of some sort into the brain.
I keep wondering what happens if your implants manufacturer advertises their new and improved version of the implant. Can you take out the old hardware and install the new version into your brain?
#SciFi #sciencefiction #JustWondering
#justwondering #sciencefiction #SciFi
How many alarms do you set for yourself? How many times do you hit snooze?
#question #justwondering #whatdoyouthink
How can you start to create your ideal career starting today?
#question #justwondering #whatdoyouthink
What’s the most unique shop or restaurant you’ve been in?
#question #justwondering #whatdoyouthink
What hard time in your life left you a better person after it was finished?
#question #justwondering #whatdoyouthink
If you were a superhero what would your name be?
#question #justwondering #whatdoyouthink
What’s the best thing about your home, and have you taken time to enjoy it recently?
#question #justwondering #whatdoyouthink
What would you want to say to yourself in 5 years?
#question #justwondering #whatdoyouthink