Sharing yesterday evenings spectacular sunset. Photos taken at 6:20pm AEST
First photo is from an evening walk to a local lake with a flock of ducklings swimming right infront of me. The second photo of the full moon projecting its glimmer over the South Pacific Ocean even though it was partially covered by cloud it’s still mesmerisingly beautiful
#Sunset #FlockOfDucklings #Lake #FullMoon #SouthPacificOcean #Nature #NSW #NorthernRivers #JustWOW
#sunset #flockofducklings #lake #fullmoon #southpacificocean #nature #nsw #northernrivers #justwow
Enjoyed an intimate concert by the legendary #EricBibb “One of the world’s leading bluesmen of our time, two-time Grammy Award nominee #BluesMusic #SoulMusic #AccousticGuitar #NorthernRivers #NSW #SoloPerformance #NewAlbum #Ridin #JustWow
#ericbibb #bluesmusic #soulmusic #accousticguitar #northernrivers #nsw #soloperformance #newalbum #ridin #justwow
#WhoKnew about this truly #insane #unreal #enduranceFlying #worldrecord ? I was surprised it was longer than a few days. But #twoMonths ?!?
#JustWow that the #airplane did not overheat and the engine did not seize up and they were able to tolerate each other's company for that long #uninterrupted in that #veryLoud, tiny environment.
#continuousFlying #inAirRefueling #midAirRefueling #Cessna #Cessna172
#crampedQuarters #soLoud #noPrivacy #thermosMeals
#whoknew #insane #enduranceflying #worldrecord #twomonths #justwow #airplane #uninterrupted #veryloud #continuousflying #inairrefueling #cessna #cessna172 #crampedquarters #soloud #noprivacy #thermosmeals #midairrefueling #unreal
"A color gradient from mother nature"
#Düsseldorf #Farbverlauf #colorgradient #nature #Natur #lovely #amazing #justwow #NRW #Germany
#Germany #NRW #justwow #amazing #lovely #natur #nature #colorgradient #Farbverlauf #düsseldorf