That feeling when you finally need that writing resource that looked so cool but you can't remember where you even saw it to look it back up.
Well, well, well, if it isn't another smashed word goal.
I am ready for the inevitable block when I hit a creative wall that unravels my plot like a shoddily made fast fashion sock.
I don't know what I expected. 😮💨
Hey I have this minor character whom I'll use as exposition for my MacGuffin character's past so we can perfectly know who she is and how she's related to my current novel's events!
I think I'll insert her in Act 1 of my novel, around chapter 8.
A few minutes later...
Holy crap, they feel in love 😟 Now I'll have to rewrite the entire novel. Now where was I?
34 chapters so far
Um... :blobnervous:
(And that's how a minor this side character ended up becoming a main character 😅 )
Happy Valentines, lol! :blobcatgiggle:
A lovely person just fav’d an old toot about writing 52 words (which is, indeed, progress), but I realized how far I’ve come in three years’ time. I’m now averaging about 1,000 words / day (some of them even maybe good words). It’s a habit like anything else, but for anybody who’s struggling to get into a good writing cadence, keep at it. #justwriterthings
Yeah sex is good, but have you stumbled upon an adult actress whose physical characteristics strongly resemble your original character and you immediately send her picture to the artist you're currently commissioning your OC's portrait? 🤣
Tfw your critique partner says something profound about your WIP, and it changes your perspective on the series you've been working on for 20 years. I have amazing critique partners!
I was awash with ideas for flash fiction about work today, and I need all that inspiration and ability to magically transfer over to topics I can actually sell.
#JustWriterThings #WriterProblems #WritingCommunity #IOnlyWriteNovels #GrowingPains #GetADayJobTheySaid #AerospaceEngineeringWillBeGreatInspirationISaid #GetAGripBrain
#justwriterthings #writerproblems #writingcommunity #ionlywritenovels #growingpains #getadayjobtheysaid #aerospaceengineeringwillbegreatinspirationisaid #getagripbrain
I was awash with ideas for flash fiction about work today, and I need all that inspiration and ability to magically transfer over to topics I can actually sell.
#JustWriterThings #WriterProblems #WritingCommunity #IOnlyWriteNovels #GrowingPains #GetADayJobTheySaid #AerospaceEngineeringWillBeGreatInspirationISaid #GetAGripBrain
#justwriterthings #writerproblems #writingcommunity #ionlywritenovels #growingpains #getadayjobtheysaid #aerospaceengineeringwillbegreatinspirationisaid #getagripbrain
TFW you've read enough that you're inspired to write but also don't want to get off the couch and actually take the steps to get started. #JustWriterThings #ItIsAHoliday #IMissMyCharacters
#justwriterthings #itisaholiday #imissmycharacters
If anyone were to look at my tabs and recent browser search history, they'd probably think I have brain issues, and am preparing for a brain MRI scan :'D
#justwriterthings #amwriting #nanowrimo
Do you ever accidentally write one of your supporting characters into a tragic gay romance? Yeah, me neither.
Unrelated, I fucking hate this book. I don't need this kind of emotional anguish right now. #justwriterthings
listen, i know you all know this already, but i think it bears repeating: "i know words, i have the best words."
52 fucking words today. motherfucker. #justwriterthings
i've been living in these people's heads for a decade, and i'm well convinced this is some kind of yet-undiagnosed madness. nevertheless, do y'all think there's a market for fantasy-horror-romance-adventure? is that a thing?
"Yo, I'm a fucking machine. Can we just talk about that for a minute? 2,593 words today, my man."
"That's pretty damn good, babe."
He gets me. #justwriterthings
today wasn't a dedicated writing day, and i'm still managing to churn out some decent words. is there an actual end in sight? is 2020 going to be the year?
please, universe. don't blow up the world on the year i might actually get my shit together.
so apparently writing suspense just means "give your readers sustained anxiety until the last chapter."
3,333 words. Surely that's a symbolic enough victory and I can stop writing now. My finger tips are numb. Please. #justwriterthings