Pandemic Dispatches #IceFloePress #InternationalWomensDay
2 #performative works #gender #power #roles #disability #grief #Joy #poetry #art (c) Frances Klein - Rain God, Cathy Daley -- Untitled painting. #juxtaposed
Another glimpse at the press I run -- hundreds of features and we sell book as well.
I curated this gathering for our #Pandemic #Dispatches series.
#icefloepress #internationalwomensday #performative #gender #power #roles #disability #grief #joy #poetry #art #juxtaposed #pandemic #dispatches
Is anyone doing #juxtaposed toots? I just saw a Laffy update on the #HouseSpeaker debacle, next to a Prof Dynarski update on her crunchy granola recipe. Both had a certain urgency about them...
This Mastodon feed is coming along, a la my early Twitter when I was just connecting via #serendipity, mainly to nice people where there was maybe a common interest.
#juxtaposed #housespeaker #serendipity