In 1 Woche - am #b0705 - ist es endlich soweit: Die #KidicalMass rollt durch #SteZe zum #TempelhoferFeld.
Start: 10:15 Uhr Rathaus Steglitz, BackFactory
Ziel: 12:00 Uhr #JVS Schöneberg, Sachsendamm
Dann gemeinsam weiter zur @VELOBerlin.
Weitersagen - weiter teilen - mitfahren!
#b0705 #KidicalMass #steze #tempelhoferfeld #jvs
Here's an #arcade cabinet update, where I take advantage of someone else's bad idea.
Basically since no one makes a #JVS I/O decoder, I've had to whip up a #JAMMA to #neogeo controller adaptor. It's a dumb solution to a dumb problem.
Also I put a #Hori #hayabusa button in there because it's exactly the right thing for right now.
REPOST: Forgot the link hehe oops
#arcade #jvs #jamma #neogeo #hori #hayabusa
Here's an #arcade cabinet update, where I take advantage of someone else's bad idea.
Basically since no one makes a #JVS I/O decoder, I've had to whip up a #JAMMA to #neogeo controller adaptor. It's a dumb solution to a dumb problem.
Also I put a #Hori #hayabusa button in there because it's exactly the right thing for right now.
#arcade #jvs #jamma #neogeo #hori #hayabusa
🚨 If you haven't already, please consider submitting an abstract for the Journal of Vegetation Science #JVS special issue on #plant #community responses to #climate change #CC ⬇️ Deadline is 30 December ⏳
#jvs #plant #community #Climate #cc