QRT #JWHIA https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109818863484307343
Going back a bit to a recent #schoolLetter, #DearPrincipal this time. Some #names, a #holiday, a #song, and #woke.
Let's go!
#Berkowitz (also #Berkowicz, #Berkovich, etc) /ˈberkɔvɪt͡s (Yiddish), ˈbɝkəwɪts (English) = Ashkenazi Jewish #surname literally meaning “son of little bear.” Borrowed into English from Yiddish. Derived from the Yiddish #given #name #Berke...
#jwhia #schoolletter #dearprincipal #names #holiday #song #woke #berkowitz #berkowicz #berkovich #surname #given #name #berke
QRT #JWHIA https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109863685492495417
Another great #name!
#Miriam /mirˈjam (Hebrew), ˈmɪɚiəm (English)/ = #given #name for girls. Etymology uncertain. Possibilities include: derived from #SemiticRoot M-R-R (generates words related to “bitter”); derived from #SemiticRoot M-R-Y (generates words related to “mutiny/ rebellion / disobedience”); derived from Egyptian “mery” (= beloved).
#jwhia #name #miriam #given #semiticroot
QRT #JWHIA https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109863449608618375
My fancy keyboard came! There are JWHIA toots to catch up on! Let's go!
Some old friends, for new followers:
#Yom /jom (Hebrew), jam (Jewish English)/ = day
#ha (also ha') /hə/ (Hebrew prefix) = 1. the; 2. that, who; 3. question marker
#Kadosh /kaˈdoʃ (Hebrew), ˈkʌdəʃ (Jewish English)/ = holy/saint
Ha'kadosh /həˈkʌdəʃ, həkəˈdoʃ/ = the holy
Sameach /sa'me.aχ (Hebrew), səˈmejəχ (Jewish English)/ = happy/ joyous
(Name #JWHIA used in a toot screenshotted here. Please reply or DM for alt text.)
There is some fun Hebrew in the latest #JWHIA #schoolLetter, plus the #name #Dovid is really interesting--but the thread has to wait, because I have an arm injury which is making typing more than a short toot really difficult 😫 any recommendations for an ergonomic or even 1-handed keyboard?
#jwhia #schoolletter #name #dovid
Fun extra x3:
Back at the bird site, a very insightful #JWHIA follower asked about the difference between #ShabbatShalom (Hebrew) and its Yiddish alternative, #GutShabbos (literally “Good Sabbath”). I am including part of our discussion here, because I think other folks might also find it interesting:
#jwhia #shabbatshalom #gutshabbos
Language of Jews, part 2
Every week #JWHIA wishes us #ShabbatShalom. Much more on that #greeting, #shalom, and things they can tell us about language and dialect: a very long 🧵
(FYI: if you have followed me on twitter for awhile, you’ve seen much of this before.)
#jwhia #shabbatshalom #greeting #shalom
QRT #JWHIA https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109705140816367564
we throw around the word "public" a lot. The #etymology of #public, a 🧵:
QRT #JWHIA https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109659468745368449
I just got new reference books! So I'm happy as a clam (among folks who keep kosher, anyway). Let's test them out, shall we? The evolution of a #name, a 🧵:
QRT https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109637353901561503
A short #JWHIA #SchoolLetter! Lots of #names, some #OldFriends, and tasty #snacks If I skip something you are curious about, @ me. Onward!
#Gveret (also #Geveret, #Giveret, G'veret) /'g(ə)veret (Hebrew)/ = lady, madame, Ms. (can be used as a title)
#jwhia #schoolletter #names #gveret #geveret #giveret #oldfriends #snacks
Shavua tov and Pope Gregory's shana tova!
Sometimes life gives you a whack, then a few more just to remind you it can. I am glad to have time for this again!
But for the purpose of time management, I'll be addressing the #JWHIA #SchoolLetters in a bit less depth. That said, if I skip something you're curious about, @ me!
onward to the latest #DearParent letter:
#jwhia #schoolletters #dearparent
QRT #JWHIA #DearTeachers #SchoolLetter: https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109506878041494663
Heads up before I launch into the thread: due to family events I won't be available for at least a week, maybe 2 or 3, which means a (short) Jewterpretor hiatus. I'm mostly finished with the Dear Teachers letter, so I'll post what I have. If you've followed me for awhile, you've seen some of this before.
Bo'u nelech! (=let's go, roughly)
#jwhia #dearteachers #schoolletter
QRT: #JWHIA https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109485004904853554
(Michael Twitty is great.)
motzei Shabbat:
motza'ei (also (informally) motzei, motzi, due to variant abbreviated pronunciation in Hebrew) /mot͡saˈʔej (Hebrew, formal), 'mot͡sɛɪ (Jewish English)/ = "emergence from, leaving, going out of." A noun in its construct state, i.e. the grammatical form for "possessed things"—
QRT: https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109461363220345793
Oy vey! I barely finished the last #JWHIA #DearTeachers #SchoolLetter, and I haven't even finished writing the “secular” thread (and have posted exactly none of it), and here we go with a brand new #SchoolLetter! Ein shalom laresha’im, nachon? (= “no rest for the wicked, right?”) (FYI I didn’t get that checked by a language informant & I’m not confident at all what the right tag question (e.g. nachon vs ken vs lo etc.) is here, commentary is very welcome!)
#jwhia #dearteachers #schoolletter
QRT: #JWHIA https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109455588357798373
Omer /'ʕomer (Hebrew), 'omɛɚ (Jewish English)/ = 1. (Biblical Hebrew) sheaf (of wheat, grain); 2. with “the” (i.e. Ha’Omer), the 49-day period from the 2nd day of Pesach (=Passover) through Shavuot (Feast of Weeks, =Pentecost); on the first and last days of the Omer, Jews traditionally make an offering of a sheaf of barley. Full name is S(e)firat Ha’Omer (=“counting [of] the sheaf [of grain]”).
Caveat in advance: I’m not a religious expert (on any religion), and there is a lot in the rest of this thread about religious holidays and customs. But I go where the language takes me, so I’ve done my best but I'd be surprised if I didn't get something wrong or confused. Please add corrections/ clarifications/ context as necessary.
Onward to #JWHIA #DearTeachers toot 4/10!
Alright #MedinatAmericans and other friends! More translations from #JWHIA's most recent #DearTeachers #SchoolLetter. Question of the day: can I get through the first tweet of her thread? 🤔 Let's find out together, shall we?
#medinatamericans #jwhia #dearteachers #schoolletter
QRT @jewwhohasitall https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109433251912315043
A new #JWHIA #SchoolLetter, #DearTeachers this time. And only 10 toots long, a walk in the park after the last one (53 tweets on twitter 🤩😦)! Will still probably take a few+ days to roll the whole thing out, there’s a lot to cover here. But it does mean I’ll finally get to the long-promised thread on “secular!”
#jwhia #schoolletter #dearteachers
QRT: #JWHIA https://babka.social/@jewwhohasitall/109416414271526596
more holidays and holiday greetings! @jewwhohasitall knows them all. (Also that’s a lot of Firsts; after writing this 🧵 “first” no longer sounds or looks like an actual word.)
Let's go!