Ugh after a quick search, I can't really find any #JS libraries for verifying #JWT signatures in browsers.
Which I know doesn't make much sense normally, but I'm repurposing JWTs and need to be able to verify them offline.
So I have to either write a JWT library using #SubtleCrypto, or make my own format with both SubtleCrypto/node crypto support.
Trying to use #biscuit (@biscuitauth) instead of #JWT, yet, I cannot say I fully understood the docs. Nor do I see any links to any communities, anywhere that I can ask my questions. I'm not sure if using it instead of JWT is the right move for me at this point, even though the performance and rust nativity seem pretty nice.
#JWT is cool. #Lego is cool. The combination is even more cool! Please vote for this idea to be created by Lego:
The suggested pronunciation of JWT is the same as the English word "jot".
Check out Steve Waldman’s (@interfluidity) article, which combines Scala, tapir, and JWT to build a web service with authorization! I’m looking into Scala, and will have to take the code for a test spin.
#scala #programming #tampa #tampabay #jwt
[tech notebook] Building an authenticated web service in Scala with tapir and JWT
Thanks to, and riffing off of work by, @AccordionGuy!
Apple: yo dawg, I heard you like
signed payloads so I put a signed payload into your signed payload
Could it be that the underestimation of black holes being found by #JWT could account for the excess of mass in the universe?
(Just speculation)
James Webb #telescope captures end stages of dying star's life #JWT
🛟 Je galère à faire la partie authentification JWT de mon projet sandbox en Go. Je suis parti pour le faire à la main, mais je sens que *ça pue* et je préfèrerais utiliser une lib un peu "standard" ou de facto considérée comme telle (j'utilise go-chi). Je suis tombé sur `go-chi/oauth`, mais il n'a plus été mis à jour depuis 2021. Je viens de découvrir `go-chi/jwtauth` qui m'a l'air d'être la bonne pioche. Un avis / conseil ?
#Deepfake image generation got strong in recent years.
👉 Now people work on methods to manipulate original images such they cannot be used as basis for deepfakes.
⛔ To me that's a drop in the bucket and maybe buying time. Next up deepfake generators will compensate. It's an arms race.
🤔 I think long-term the online world will migrate to media formats that are cryptographically signed or include a public key. Something like #JWT, but for human-digestible content, also for e.g. news reports.
Deux méthodes d'authentification distinctes qu'il est important de bien comprendre.
JWTs vs. sessions: which authentication approach is right for you? - Stytch
#jwt #session #authentification —
#jwt #session #authentification
What does this JWT token have in common with the BBC?
#jwt #authentication #identity #security #bbc
Today I successfully integrated my company's #Teleport instance with the logins on our #Grafana instance using #jwt and proving the concept of #passwordless systems and #passkeys in a production environment.
#teleport #grafana #jwt #passwordless #passkeys
That bad backend developer hire is the gift that keeps on giving. Just stumbled across the hand-rolled #JWT validator that doesn’t validate the authentication algorithm. 😭
Account takeover via IDOR form JWT
#cybersecurity #Pentesting #Hacking #bugbountytips #infosec #CTF #cybersecuritytips #redteam #coding #100DaysOfHacking #vulnerabilities #BugBounty #JWT #IDOR #pwn #100DaysOfCyberSecurity #CyberSecurityAwareness
#cybersecurity #pentesting #hacking #bugbountytips #infosec #ctf #cybersecuritytips #redteam #coding #100daysofhacking #vulnerabilities #bugbounty #jwt #idor #pwn #100daysofcybersecurity #cybersecurityawareness