"What We Know About the Last Three Hours of Muhammad Hassan’s Life on K2"
#mountaineering #k2 #muhammadhassan
Kritischer Beitrag zum Thema #MoralischeVerkommenheit im @derStandard mit Verweis auf eine #Spendenkampagne für die Hinterbliebenen von Mohammad #Hassan.
#Skandal in der Todeszone auf dem #K2 im #Karakorum
Während die Norwegerin Kristin #Harila ihre umstrittene Gipfelsammlung komplettierte, starb der pakistanische #Hochträger Mohammad Hassan. Der Tiroler Wilhelm #Steindl war vor Ort und zeichnet ein erschreckendes Sittenbild
#moralischeverkommenheit #spendenkampagne #hassan #Skandal #k2 #karakorum #harila #hochtrager #steindl #CapitalismIsADeathCult
Que me apunte a #paddel dice.
Ni que eso fuese un deporte...
#Deporte es subir la cara norte del #K2 en invierno.
Dan Osman
#paddel #deporte #k2 #citascelebres #frasecitas
A childhood friend of #MohammedHassan, the porter who died on #K2 as other #mountaineers allegedly stepped over him in their rush to the summit, has described it as "the most dehumanising event of my life" and says he hope it will "not happen in the future". "The #climbers, who scaled the K2 this year, I understand their behaviour was below #humanity and it was very saddening, after they walked past the man after he was gravely injured in a fall and they scaled the K2".
#humanity #climbers #mountaineers #k2 #mohammedhassan
@w7voa the #BBCWorldService has spoken to the Norwegian mountaineer a few days ago:
#BBCNews - #K2 climbers deny walking by dying guide in bid to break record
I am going to generalize that people who climb #mtEverest today are very selfish individuals who don't care about annoying details like other people.
"An investigation has been launched into the death of a Pakistani porter near the peak of the world’s most treacherous mountain, says a mountaineer, following allegations that dozens of climbers eager to reach the #K2 summit had walked past the man after he was gravely injured in a fall. "
An investigation has been launched into the death of a Pakistani porter near the peak of the world’s most treacherous mountain, says a mountaineer, following allegations that dozens of climbers eager to reach the #K2 summit had walked past the man after he was gravely injured in a fall. https://apnews.com/article/51429bae5b1c53a449c360ad42c38153
There's a gofundme now
Zwei Tage hintereinander derselbe Film im Fernsehen, etwa um dieselbe Zeit? Was ist da los #ZDFneo ?
Ich mag den Film ja auch, weil #VerticalLimit einfach nur spannend ist und die menschlichen Abgründe beleuchtet.
Aber dann gleich zweimal? #Fernsehen #Berge #Bergsteigen #Rettungsmission #K2 #Pakistan
#zdfneo #verticallimit #fernsehen #berge #bergsteigen #rettungsmission #k2 #pakistan
K2's icy pathway
Dangers lurk along the way
Painful cost of risk
#k2 #mountaineering #danger #risk #haiku #poetry
#k2 #mountaineering #danger #risk #haiku #poetry
Questa è la storia di un valoroso nepalese morto tra l'indifferenza generale degli alpinisti occidentali, troppo impegnati nella loro meschina aspirazione alla vetta per potersi fermare a soccorrere un "portatore" di carichi. Uno sherpa.
Che dio ti abbia in gloria, fratello.
#sherpa #k2 #nepal #indifferenza #morte #alpinismo
#sherpa #k2 #nepal #indifferenza #morte #alpinismo
Questa è la storia di un valoroso uomo del Solo Khumbu morto tra l'indifferenza generale degli alpinisti occidentali, troppo impegnati nella loro meschina aspirazione alla vetta per potersi fermare a soccorrere un "portatore" di carichi. Uno sherpa.
Che dio ti abbia in gloria, fratello.
#sherpa #k2 #nepal #indifferenza #morte #alpinismo
#sherpa #k2 #nepal #indifferenza #morte #alpinismo
#K2 #mountaineering
“Such a thing would be unthinkable in the Alps. He was treated like a second-class human being.
“If he had been a westerner, he would have been rescued immediately,” he added. “No one felt responsible for him. What happened there is a disgrace. A living human was left lying so that records could be set.”
From: @MnlyBeach
Questa è la storia di un valoroso nepalese morto tra l'indifferenza generale degli alpinisti occidentali, troppo impegnati nella loro meschina aspirazione alla vetta per potersi fermare a soccorrere un "portatore" di carichi. Uno sherpa.
Che dio ti abbia in gloria, fratello.
#sherpa #k2 #nepal #indifferenza #morte #alpinismo
#sherpa #k2 #nepal #indifferenza #morte #alpinismo
Death on K2: Could Muhammad Hassan have been saved?
#mountaineering #mountainclimbing #k2
""A well-known Norwegian mountaineer has denied accusations that her team climbed over an injured sherpa during a bid to break a world record. Video posted by other climbers appears to show a group walking by Mr Hassan, who reportedly died a few hours later...." We saw a guy alive, lying in the traverse in the bottleneck. And people were stepping over him on the way to the summit. And there was no rescue mission" #k2 #death #mountaineering https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66471990
🗣️ „Je politováníhodné, že se nikdo nezastavil, aby umírajícímu pomohl.“
Horolezci kritizují své kolegy za to, jak se zachovali při červencové smrtelné nehodě pákistánského nosiče pod vrcholem osmitisícovky #K2. https://www.irozhlas.cz/zpravy-domov/nikdo-nepomohl-horolezci-hasan-k2-kritiku-kolegu_2308111008_jar
Pakistanische Behörde untersucht Tod eines Bergträgers am K2
Nach dem Tod eines Gebirgsträgers am zweithöchsten Berg der Erde, dem K2, hat die zuständige Regionalregierung nun eine Untersuchung angeordnet. Haben Bergsteigerteams dem Pakistaner Hilfe verweigert?
@swr3 Zeitgleich fand der umstrittene Rekord der Norwegerin Kristin Harila am K2 statt. Wenn persönliche Rekorde für Leute mehr zählen als das Leben eines Menschen, dann ist das abscheulich. Das hat weder was mit Alpinismus noch mit Menschlichkeit zu tun.
#k2 #Bergsteiger #Berge