I don't know how, but Cilium lets the k3s host access Kubernetes service IPs directly. Pair with a Tailscale subnet-router plus external-dns to expose services to the tailnet.
Even better, these are ClusterIP services, no need for a LoadBalancer type.
I have been improving and refactoring my current #homelab ops code lately. It has been more than 2 years managing and automating it. 🤖
#homelab #k3s #kubernetes #renovatebot
I have no idea if my cluster is very faster, but it is now kube-proxy free and passing the Cilium multi-node connectivity tests!
TIL AWS ec2 instances can hibernate, which saves RAM, and I guess is faster to restore than cold booting. Wonder how well this would work for k3s.
Once I have the aws cloud controller manager, vpc-cni, ebs-csi, and load balancer controller, this k3s can be called EK3S :)
DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karpenter couldn't recognize the k3s nodes because their node provider-id was k3s://... instead of aws:////$az/$instance_id
The screen shot is Karpenter recognizing Machines that have joined the cluster as Nodes, with Cilium attached to each node.
I feel like I'm spending most of my time making my perfect Armored Core k3d build
I am one step closer from changing my standalone self-hosted services to a k3s cluster.
I have another VPS where I (painfully) installed #openSUSE Tumbleweed and installed #k3s
Spent the entire afternoon trying to figure out #caddy ingress controller and #certmanager
Now I just need to find #helm charts for the services I want to host!
#opensuse #k3s #caddy #certmanager #helm
I guess I'm moving off the old #homelab faster than I thought. So much for weekend plans. 😿
If anyone wants to offer advice, the setup is #democratic-csi #iscsi to #truenas (mostly xfs, a mistake I've corrected moving forward.)
The old cluster has decided to just ignore PVCs. The replacement cluster uses the same credentials (shh) but a different path and prefix and it is still working fine. I've tried restarting associated controllers/ds, even bounced the bad cluster and updated the NAS, which entailed bouncing both clusters.
Nothing in the logs, and there are no recent related updates. Both clusters are driven off largely shared/identical code, with minor furniture rearranging.
#homelab #democratic #iscsi #truenas #k8s #kubernetes #raspberrypi #k3s
Mein #OpenWRT hat sich aufgehängt, mein #Homelab war ohne Internet und wir sind nicht zu Hause.
Gut, dass ich über die DSL Leitung des Nachbarhauses über #ShellInABox auf meinem #k3s Cluster noch durch die Hintertüre reinkomme und meine Geräte neu starten kann.
Danke, #siab Team!
#openwrt #homelab #shellinabox #k3s #siab
Taking a retro break after a couple of weekends and several evenings putting parts I've already ordered and received into their machines.
New project: a lightweight #kubernetes cluster built from 10 inexpensive and readily available Atom X5 thin clients with 2GB RAM and 8GB eMMC.
I think this might be that time I use #AlpineLinux for something other than containers with #K3s on top.
Then the question is: what is a satisfactory demo of 40 x64 cores that draws only 40 watts?
Allez aujourd'hui dernier jour d'arrêt maladie, ça va mieux donc demain on peut reprendre le boulot 😶
Ca veut dire que j'ai encore la journée pour faire le truc que je repousse depuis des semaines/mois : redéployer mon cluster #k3s de la maison.
(j'ai tout l'adressage #ipv6 à changer, ça passe par une réinstallation)
#kubernetes #k8s #k3s
5 #kubectl plugins to make your life easier
#kubernetes #k8s #k3s #kubectl
AAAAND because I now run everything in #k3s, I also got a good understanding of NetworkPolicies at the same time.
Yesterday the #weedlings got Fitbits (ok, #miflora, but they don't know the difference) and I spent a bunch of time arguing with a plant API instead of just inputting my decent-enough values from last time.
Part of the arguing involved removing the old devices. A smart person would have saved the thresholds, but I'm not that person. Doh!
Pics tomorrowish when I get back to it and build the dash.
Today was supposed to be offline, so I spent it integrating #calico and #k3s and #linkerd and such in the new #homelab. I .. am bad at not being burnt out.
Some good news. Changes involved a cluster CIDR change, so I had to reset from zero. Thank FSM for flux2. I expected pain and it basically Just Worked.
#selfhost #snarkhome #TuringPi2 #k3s #dietpi #homeassistant #fluxcd #dietpi #cannabis #growyourown #growyo
#weedlings #miflora #calico #k3s #linkerd #homelab #selfhost #snarkhome #turingpi2 #dietpi #homeassistant #fluxcd #cannabis #growyourown #growyo
Today I
* broke my #k3s cluster by uninstalling #Traefik.
* returned my #wheelchair to the supplier.
* spoke with a close #friend for hours.
#k3s #traefik #wheelchair #friend #3goodthings
#raspi #cluster #raspberrypi #k8s #k3s #kubernetes #selfhosted #sysadmin
And in dangerous-commands-which-really-should-require-confirmation, today's nomination is "k3s-uninstall.sh".
One command. Boom, no more cluster. No takesie-backsies.
(I ran it intentionally today, just had a brief shiver of "what if..?")
Pues para los que os preguntais, mi #TrueNAS va de maravilla. Tengo que meterle mas cosas que lo veo muy ocioso en cuanto a CPU y Memoria.
E insisto en CPU y Memoria porque no para de escribir cosas en los discos duros, ¿serán logs de #k3s? También cuando navego mucho por #PhotoPrism se nota la velocidad de lectura de un HDD, y eso que tiene los thumbnaisl precalculados.