Revised Key Biscayne budget takes smaller tax bite, but still up 9.9% :
The budget spells out $21 million in capital spending over 31 different projects, with about half devoted to storm water and resiliency initiatives.
#BenjaminNussbaum #Budget #COVID19 #EdLondon #flooding #IgnacioSegurola #K8Center #labor #Millage #Police #PropertyTax #resiliency #SealLevelRise #StAgnes #SteveWilliamso
#benjaminnussbaum #budget #COVID19 #edlondon #flooding #ignaciosegurola #k8center #labor #millage #Police #propertytax #resiliency #seallevelrise #stagnes #stevewilliamso
First day of school brings smiles - and a few (temporary) frowns. :
Miami-Dade school officials said 845 students arrived at the K-8 on the first day, compared to 922 last October. At MAST Academy on Virginia Key, there were 1,484 starting classes, compared to 1,613 last year.
#CrandonBoulevard #firstdayofschool #JoseDotres #K8Center #MASTAcademy #MDCPS #Student #Teacher #traffic #vacancies
#crandonboulevard #firstdayofschool #josedotres #k8center #mastacademy #mdcps #student #teacher #traffic #vacancies