#Bookstodon @bookstodon
I recently started into the #Animorphs series. I'm a bit late to the series at the age of 36. But even now, the book are quite good. Very human chars. And a believable world. Great naration. It's a very grounded story. Dramatic, but not without relief from drama.
I didnt get into it as a kid/teen due to reading difficulties. But #AudioBooks are doing so much good work in my life.
#books #KAApplegate
#bookstodon #animorphs #audiobooks #books #kaapplegate
#Animorphs by #KAApplegate. IYKYK.
This is a middle-grade book series from the 90s about a group of kids who get the power to…morph into animals. Animorphs. I read books 2-4 in 2022.
These are…darker than I remember. Like, waaaay darker. The bad guys are body-snatcher types, so basically anyone—including all the adults a kid should be able to trust—could be one of them. Interestingly, this gives them an anti-cop, anti-authority vibe.
If you’re not too cool for kids’ books, these are great.
If I count series together, I only read ten different things, so I’ll just say a little about each over the next few days. In no particular order:
- #TheExpanse by #JamesSACorey
- #DoomsdayBook by #ConnieWillis
- #Dracula by #BramStoker
- #Vorkosigan by #LoisMcMasterBujold
- #Matter by #IainMBanks
- #Summertide by #CharlesSheffield
- #ElricOfMelnibone by #MichaelMoorcock
- #Animorphs by #KAApplegate
- #Recursion by #BlakeCrouch
- #FirstLaw by #JoeAbercrombie
#theexpanse #jamessacorey #doomsdaybook #conniewillis #dracula #bramstoker #vorkosigan #loismcmasterbujold #matter #iainmbanks #summertide #charlessheffield #elricofmelnibone #michaelmoorcock #animorphs #kaapplegate #recursion #blakecrouch #firstlaw #joeabercrombie