I created a Kabbalistic Tree of Life diagram using #graphviz and put the source code up for folks to use. It should be easy to modify for any other kind of labeling or changes!
#graphviz #kabbalah #qabalah #mysticism #occult
#pataphysics #alchemy #kabbalah #bulldada #surrealism #aiart #collage
Wondering if anyone has ever written anything on Yitzchak Ginsburgh's fondness for homeopathy. Like, not his being a fascist (plenty about that), but specifically about homeopathy.
Bc every once in a while I see "yes, his political views are what they are, but his spirituality is very authentic"
...while at the same time he is a proponent of Western homeopathy. So I feel like that needs to be pointed out somehow...
#Jewish #Mazeldon #Religidons #Spirituality #Homeopathy #Kabbalah
#jewish #Mazeldon #Religidons #spirituality #homeopathy #kabbalah
La Edad de Oro
#pataphysics #emblematica #alchemy #kabbalah #subgenius #bulldada #aiart #collage
Here's an attempt at explaining my whys and wherefores for the "Seven Gates of Set":
One issue I have always taken with Hermetic Qabalah is the way in which it purports to “blend” Jewish mysticism, alchemy, Western astrology, and certain polytheistic religions. There is nothing wrong with blending different religious traditions together, of course; but Qabalists often brand themselves as representing “the original Qabalah,” which is absolutely false. True Kabbalah is not a “free-for-all,” but an intricate cosmology that is entirely unique to Judaism. It is also a closed practice that requires studying the Torah inside and out. Hermetic Qabalah is simply a “Gentile” appropriation of this tradition that really has nothing to do with Judaism or the Torah, or with any of the polytheist gods that are commonly mentioned in Qabalic literature.
For example, Kenneth Grant insisted that Set is linked to Daath, the so-called “eleventh” sephira on the Tree of Life. Other writers have linked Set with Geburah, the sphere of divine judgment and wrath. These associations might appear to make sense on the surface, but I think many Jews and Setians would likely agree they are oversimplifications. Set is far more than just an “emotive attribute” of some monotheist god; He deserves to be understood on His own terms, not in Kabbalic (or Qabalic) terms.
Set is not just the destructive “murderer of Osiris” that Hermetic Qabalists like to pigeonhole Him as being. He is also the Son of Nut, the Savior of Ra, the Friend of the Dead, and an ambassador for the Netjeru to other pantheons. Yes, He can certainly hinder and destroy; but He can also help and protect, as evidenced by His own religious following in ancient times. He can become wrathful and go on the warpath, as He does with Osiris and Horus; but He can also be loving and romantic, as He is with each of His various partners (of both sexes). Hermetic Qabalah is ill-equipped to comprehend or explain such a multifaceted polytheist divinity, since it is predicated on monotheism in the first place.
By the same token, SETIANS—people who revere and emulate Set—are not the “black magicians” or “devil worshipers” of Egyptian polytheism. Most of us are regular people just like everyone else in every other religion on earth. We work jobs, we pay our bills, we take care of our families. We value safety and consistency, we become upset when things go topsy-turvy, and many of us work as educators or caregivers as well. So there is quite a bit more to Setians than whatever Hermetic Qabalists might think about us.
I decided to develop a new way of explaining the Setian “wavelength” with numbers and correspondences that does NOT appropriate anything from either Jewish Kabbalah or Hermetic Qabalah. This meant doing away with the “Tree of Life” and using an entirely different visual model as my starting point. And it seemed to me that there is no better visual model for capturing the Setian experience than the Big Dipper, which the ancient Egyptians called Khepesh or “the Thigh of Set.”
I first learned about Set’s connection to the Big Dipper from reading The Gates of the Necronomicon by “Simon” (who is most likely Peter Levenda writing under a pseudonym). The book recklessly equates Egyptian ideas with bits and pieces of Kabbalah, Daoism, and a “Lovecraftianized” version of pseudo-Sumerian mythology (which actually owes more to August Derleth than to H.P. Lovecraft). Yet the parts about Set being associated with the Dipper are factual at least, and I liked the idea that these particular stars might correspond with certain “astral gateways.” “Simon” claims to be sharing information from a real Sumerian “grimoire” that doesn’t actually exist; so it’s important to understand I am not referring to his work as a credible resource here. Rather, his suggestions inspired me to think about how the stars in the Big Dipper might each relate to Set without needing to appropriate anything from any non-Kemetic or non-Egyptian mystical traditions. I sensed that each of these stars corresponds with a different aspect of Set, a different phase in His myth cycle, a different animal from His divine iconography, and even a different aspect of what it is like to be a Setian.
Please note that this is not a “re-invention” of Kabbalah; nor is it an “initiatory curriculum” that must be followed in sequential order. The numbers I have assigned to each star are simply for convenience. Assuming I am not completely crackers for thinking of the Big Dipper as a series of “Setian gateways” in the first place, I imagine these gates as being “open” all at the same time, with Set reaching down to us and us reaching up to Him through each of them all at once.
#setianism #sutekh #kemetic #egyptian #pagan #polytheist #gates #keys #bigdipper #greatbear #ursamajor #kabbalah #qabalah #hermeticism #kennethgrant #hplovecraft
#setianism #sutekh #Kemetic #egyptian #Pagan #polytheist #gates #keys #bigdipper #greatbear #ursamajor #kabbalah #qabalah #hermeticism #kennethgrant #hplovecraft
New video
Just Nowhere episode 31
Samuel Zinner interviews Elliot R. Wolfson on
Language and Time in #Phenomenology and #Kabbalah
#phenomenology #kabbalah #heidegger
A meditation by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov:
Lord of Peace, Divine Ruler, to whom peace belongs.
Master of Peace, Creator of all things.
May it be Your will to put an end to war and bloodshed on earth, and to spread a great and wonderful peace over the whole world, so that nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.
Help us and save us all, and let us cling tightly to the virtue of peace. Let there be a truly great peace between every person and their fellow, and between husband and wife, and let there be no discord between people even in their hearts.
Let us never shame any person on earth, great or small. May it be granted unto us to fulfill Your Commandment to 'Love thy neighbor as thyself,' with all our hearts and souls and bodies and possessions.
God who is peace, bless us with peace.
#meditation #kabbalah #selfhelp
Remember the shortbread mold that fell off the wall and broke off its hanger, that I was going to paint in a rainbow motif?
To glitter, or not to glitter. That is the question.
(apologies, Shakespeare)
There is no clearcoat on here yet, so it will be shinier when sealed.
I'm fond of glitter but it might be overkill on this?
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#BuyIntoArt #artmatters #mysticism #altar #Tarot #spirituality #kabbalah #jewish #jewishart #Mazeldon #MastoArt #handmade #fedigiftshop #crafts #shophandmade
Here's my first test of a shadowbox idea.
I am pleased with this first one. I don't know why I chose this background image in particular. I printed out several and this one just wanted to go first, lol.
I'm on the lookout for cool out of copyright background images. I am also cropping and editing some of the old womble AI stuff.
#BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #Mysticism #Altar #Tarot #Spirituality #Kabbalah #JewishArt #Mazeldon #MastoArt #Handmade #FediGiftShop #Crafts #ShopHandMade
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There is a lot of beautiful 19th century artwork of the sort people just don't make any more. I am thinking about a series of shadow boxes, representing the priestess paths, or the major arcana, which will include a 3d figurine and space for your own meaningful items.
I'm on the lookout for cool out of copyright background images.
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#BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #artmatters #mysticism #altar #Tarot #spirituality #kabbalah #jewishart #Mazeldon #MastoArt #handmade #fedigiftshop #crafts #shophandmade
This weekend I finished up my next test design - Lady Wisdom! Strategy is her forte, and numerous arts & crafts. She was present at creation, says Psalms, and is traditionally depicted with an owl & the spear of truth.
This cast went pretty well. I do want to find some small real metal tubes for the spear.
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Truly I tell you, it is only after much disciplined introspection, great ordeal and suffering that humans come into their own as Sophianic machines/vessels of healing, redeeming, integrating, awakened light-consciousness; as the chosen revealers of Being, and therefore, as Sophia’s elect agents of what Kabbalists call Tikkun olam.
If i sound like some new age guru from the 70's, i apologize. I'm too tired & relaxed to talk of smashing in the faces of right-wing shit bags.
You might recall from the last plaster experiment with embedding old jewelry that I wondered if excavation might be the way to go - a softer pour that would take longer to set and be malleable for a window of time.
So here is the first test of that methodology. She needs a clearcoat and some felt underneath, and then she's done.
#BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #Mysticism #Altar #Tarot #Spirituality #Kabbalah #JewishArt #Mazeldon #MastoArt #Handmade #FediGiftShop #Crafts #ShopHandMade
#BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #artmatters #mysticism #altar #Tarot #spirituality #kabbalah #jewishart #Mazeldon #MastoArt #handmade #fedigiftshop #crafts #shophandmade
In the beginning the Goddess created the Higgs Field...
And she called the Field:
"I Am That I Am.”
"I Create What I Create"
"I Will Be What I Will Be"
"Oh Yaldabaoth, I'm sorry you gotta head like a potato.
I really am."
#gnosticism #Kabbalah #Demiurgedrome #PrettyGnosticMachine #HiggsField
#gnosticism #kabbalah #demiurgedrome #prettygnosticmachine #higgsfield #zdzislawbeksinski
Update - the first set of kabbalah peg icons is sold! This one was all red. I will probably do the next test set in the Four Worlds color scheme.
Or if you prefer a uniform color for the set, I can certainly do that as a bespoke project.
#BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #Mysticism #Altar #Tarot #Spirituality #Kabbalah #JewishArt #Mazeldon #MastoArt #Handmade #FediGiftShop #Crafts #ShopHandMade
#BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #artmatters #mysticism #altar #Tarot #spirituality #kabbalah #jewishart #Mazeldon #MastoArt #handmade #fedigiftshop #crafts #shophandmade
Been busy w/ my dayjob this past week, lol.
I made this collage just fooling around. I wanted to see if taping the pieces together on the back before gluing helped things stay in place. What happened instead is an air pocket in the center. So this one is going to hang around my workroom, unless somebody really, really wants it.
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#BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #artmatters #mysticism #altar #Tarot #spirituality #kabbalah #jewishart #Mazeldon #MastoArt #handmade #fedigiftshop #crafts #shophandmade
Been thinking quite a bit about the connection between numerology and astrology lately...
Tried to compile a table to help me get a sense of what's what.
But man, there are sooo many variations on the number assignment! 🤦♀️
No doubt because of the many different numerology systems (chaldean, pythagorean, hebrew etc) and the introduction of modern planets into the mix. 🪐
Be interested to hear people's opinions about what numbers they find work best for each planet, especially the ones that tend to move around a lot like Mars and Saturn. :mars_photo:
I am toying with the idea of the earth being the actual planetary ruler of Taurus - makes a lot of sense to me, given the strong connection to the four elements. 🌏
Also have to say that I was surprised to find Mercury associated with the number 5...but then I guess it is the odd one out with regards to its gender fluidity....
#astrology #numerology #chaldean #pythagorean
#herbrewalphabet #kabbalah
#astrology #numerology #chaldean #pythagorean #herbrewalphabet #kabbalah
Since there are so many new people, it may be time for a new introduction.
I'm a married mother of four adults, one of whom is #trans. I'm an #LGBTQAlly.
I'm a #SmallBusiness owner since 1993, doing #transcription work originally, then #bookkeeping & #nonprofit administration. I specialize in 990 forms & compliance.
My first degree was in #Architecture w/ Distinction, & my next one was in #Philosophy, Magna Cum Laude, with 2 minors: #Linguistics & #JudaicStudies. Later I received Smicha as a Kohenet - a practitioner of eco- #feminism #kabbalah #mysticism via liturgy & ritual. I have a fledgling #art & #crafts side gig, creating Jewish & #FeminineDivine works.
I'm a Conservative (Masorti) Mashgiach at our shul, and was head of the kitchen from 2012 until 2020 (ie Covid).
Interests: #astronomy #geology #UrbanAg #gardening #Cooking #Sustainability #Urbanism
Advocacy: #WomensRights #ProChoice #ClimateCrisis #FoodSecurity #BLM
Oppose: #WhiteNationalist #ChristoFascist #bigots
#trans #lgbtqally #smallbusiness #transcription #bookkeeping #NonProfit #architecture #philosophy #linguistics #judaicstudies #feminism #kabbalah #mysticism #art #crafts #femininedivine #astronomy #geology #urbanag #gardening #cooking #sustainability #urbanism #womensrights #prochoice #ClimateCrisis #foodsecurity #blm #whitenationalist #christofascist #bigots
Nietzsche on The God of Christianity and Islam:
"I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time."
PARAphrased for Millennials and Gen Zers
I cannot believe in a God who wants his cock sucked all the time
Current 9/11
This is probably the last major project I'll do before Pesach - it's one of the Sphere of Protection altar cloths, featuring a horse design backing fabric and amber edging.
I have enough of the horse fabric on hand to make one more like this one.
The set comes with a prayer booklet and a compass.
#BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #Mysticism #Altar #Tarot #Spirituality #Kabbalah #JewishArt #Mazeldon #MastoArt #Handmade #FediGiftShop #Crafts #ShopHandMade
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