RT @dibang
पानी केरा बुदबुदा, अस मानस की जात
देखत ही बुझ जाएगा, ज्यों तारा परभात
We are like water bubbles;
Will disappear as stars at dawn
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #MusicPlanet
Kabir, Gurupriya Atreya & Vedanth:
🎵 Ud Jaayega
#nowplaying #MusicPlanet #kabir #gurupriyaatreya #vedanth
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #SoundOfCinema
Kabir, Gurupriya Atreya & Vedanth:
🎵 Ud Jaayega
#nowplaying #SoundOfCinema #kabir #gurupriyaatreya #vedanth
Found this gem of a #song written in #Bhojpuri (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhojpuri_language) by #Kabir (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabir) and sung by #Shujaat Khan.
Have played it multiple times since last evening.
#song #bhojpuri #kabir #shujaat
“The #Soul is Beyond #Race, #Gender, #Religion, Age, Nationality, Caste, Social Conditioning: #Kabir: “When the soul becomes separated from the body, who can say what is its caste? Who can say whether the soul is black, white, red or yellow, or whether it has a caste or not, or whether it is hot or cold? Who can say if the soul is a Hindu or Turk, or old or young, and whether it is female or male. Think about this!" - Guru Kabir, The #Bijak (Book of #Spiritual Treasure)
#soul #race #gender #religion #kabir #Bijak #spiritual
The Sethian Gnostics Had Five Sacred Names Associated With 5 Heavenly Realms, and So Does This Path
Podcast - Listen, Download, Subscribe @ the Podcast Website:
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#FiveSeals #FiveNames #Mantras #SacredNames #PrayerOfTheName #Mysticism #Gnostic #India #History #Meditation #Religion #Spirituality #Kabir #Satsang #Mystics #SpiritualAwakeningRadio #Podcasts
#fiveseals #fivenames #mantras #SacredNames #prayerofthename #mysticism #gnostic #india #history #meditation #religion #spirituality #kabir #satsang #mystics #spiritualawakeningradio #podcasts
“Be quiet in your mind, quiet in your senses, and also quiet in your body. In that state truth will reveal itself to you.”— Kabir
What is seen is not the Truth
What *is* cannot be said
Trust comes not without seeing
Nor understanding without words
The wise comprehends with knowledge
To the ignorant it is but a wonder
Some worship the formless God
Some worship His various forms
In what way He is beyond these attributes
Only the Knower knows
That music cannot be written
How can then be the notes
Says #Kabir,
awareness alone will overcome illusion
The Mystery of the Divine Light: “This mystery of the Light can be solved only in the depth of meditation in which all the senses are controlled and merge into the mind, and the mind merges into the soul, and the soul into the Godhead...
#Kabir #Shabdas #KabirAssociation #Meditation #InnerLight #FlowingLightOfTheGodhead #SuratShabdYoga #ThirdEye #SantMat #Bijak #TheBijak #GoWithin #Spirituality #SpiritualQuotes #TheCompleteBijakOfKabir
#kabir #shabdas #kabirassociation #meditation #innerlight #flowinglightofthegodhead #suratshabdyoga #thirdeye #santmat #Bijak #thebijak #gowithin #spirituality #spiritualquotes #thecompletebijakofkabir
The ‘Suicide’ of the Liberal Arts
“The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students and What to Do About It”
"I really would just prefer that people sit down and read Shakespeare.”
#poem #poems #poetry #Writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #Shakespeare #Virgil #Homer #Vyasa #Valmiki #Tagore #Basho #Kabir #Rumi #Emerson #Tolstoy #Bellow #Wordsworth #Rabelais #Sophocles #philosophy
#poem #poems #poetry #writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #shakespeare #virgil #Homer #vyasa #valmiki #tagore #basho #kabir #rumi #emerson #Tolstoy #bellow #wordsworth #Rabelais #sophocles #philosophy
The ‘Suicide’ of the Liberal Arts
“The Death of Learning: How American Education Has Failed Our Students and What to Do About It”
"I really would just prefer that people sit down and read Shakespeare.”
#poem #poems #poetry #Writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #Shakespeare #Virgil #Homer #Vyasa #Valmiki #Tagore #Basho #Kabir #Rumi #Emerson #Tolstoy #Bellow #Singer #Wordsworth #Rabelais #Sophocles
#poem #poems #poetry #writing #writer #writinglife #writingcommunity #uktheatre #education #universities #literature #Chaucer #shakespeare #virgil #Homer #vyasa #valmiki #tagore #basho #kabir #rumi #emerson #Tolstoy #bellow #singer #wordsworth #Rabelais #sophocles
The Soul is Beyond Race, Gender, Religion, Age, Nationality, Caste: Kabir:
“When the soul becomes separated from the body, who can say what is its caste? Who can say whether the soul is black, white, red or yellow, or whether it has a caste or not, or whether it is hot or cold? Who can say if the soul is a Hindu or Turk, or old or young, and whether it is female or male. Think about this! #Kabir says, ‘No one pays attention to what I say. Whoever accepts my word will understand my teaching.’
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: The Sant Mat Family Tree: Tracing the Lineage of Masters: Where This Spiritual Path Comes From
#India #History #MysticsOfTheEast #PathOfTheMasters
Go to my Diaspora profile for podcast announcement: https://diasp.org/posts/22178144
#radhasoami #santmat #suratshabdyoga #sants #pathofthemasters #kabir #spiritualawakeningradio #santmatsatsangpodcasts #podcasts #spiritualpodcasts #spirituality #meditation #gurulineages #anuragsagar #soultravel #OriginsOfSantMat
#india #history #MysticsOfTheEast #pathofthemasters #radhasoami #santmat #suratshabdyoga #sants #kabir #spiritualawakeningradio #SantMatSatsangPodcasts #podcasts #spiritualpodcasts #spirituality #meditation #gurulineages #anuragsagar #soultravel #originsofsantmat
"There is a silence of the tongue. There is a silence of the whole body. There is a silence of the soul. There is a silence of the mind, and there is a silence of the spirit.” (Abraham of Nathpar, Syriac Mystic)
Go deeper ...
Past thoughts into silence.
Past silence into stillness.
Past stillness into the heart.
Let Love consume ALL that is left of you.
#Meditation #Contemplation #Silence #Stillness #InnerWisdom #Kabir #Insight #Gnosis
#meditation #contemplation #silence #stillness #InnerWisdom #kabir #insight #gnosis
The session on Kabir at #mahindrakabirafestival by Prof. Purushottam Agrawal was enlightening and interspersed with soulful renditions of #kabir bhajans by Vipin Heero
#mahindrakabirafestival #kabir
The session on Kabir at #mahindrakabirafestival by Prof. Purushottam Agrawal was enlightening interspersed with soulful renditions of #kabir bhajans by Vipin Heero
#mahindrakabirafestival #kabir
#Chaucer #Shakespeare #Virgil #Homer #Vyasa #Valmiki #Tagore #Basho #Saigyo #Kabir #Rumi #Emerson #Tolstoy #Bellow #Singer #Wordsworth #Herbert #Rabelais #Sophocles #Plato etc...
#Chaucer #shakespeare #virgil #Homer #vyasa #valmiki #tagore #basho #saigyo #kabir #rumi #emerson #Tolstoy #bellow #singer #wordsworth #herbert #Rabelais #sophocles #plato
Tell me, O Swan, your ancient tale.
From what land do you come,
O Swan? to what shore will you fly?
Where would you take your rest,
O Swan, and what do you seek?
Even this morning, O Swan, awake, arise, follow me!
There is a land where no doubt nor sorrow have rule:
where the terror of Death is no more.
There the woods of spring are a-bloom,
and the fragrant scent “He is I” [Ana-HU, Soham] is borne on the wind:
There the bee of the heart is deeply immersed,
and desires no other joy.
- #Kabir
The Kabir Book of Prayers contains many insightful verses offering guidance about living a spiritual way of life on earth in this human form. - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast @ YouTube: https://youtu.be/3JSnuf8LSR8
#Podcasts #Spirituality #Meditation #Prayer #Vegan #Vegetarian #Ethics #Karma #Guidance #Wisdom #Mercy #Compassion #Tranquility #Peace #InnerPeace #SpiritualLife #UnionwithGod #ScienceoftheSoul #ScienceofSpirituality #SpiritualQuotes #Kabir
#podcasts #spirituality #meditation #prayer #vegan #vegetarian #ethics #karma #guidance #wisdom #mercy #compassion #tranquility #peace #innerpeace #spirituallife #unionwithgod #ScienceOfTheSoul #ScienceOfSpirituality #spiritualquotes #kabir