Compermisa :yunodance: ๐ถ
#EscuchoLuegoExisto #Mรบsica #Music #Putumayo #WorldMusic #Jazz #ChantalChamberland #Niuver #BlickBassy #KoraJazzTrio #HeatherRigdon #Kad #Sherele #KatarainaPipi #KeletiguiDiabate #BillyCobhamAndAsere #HughMasekelaWithMalaika
#EscuchoLuegoExisto #musica #music #Putumayo #worldmusic #jazz #chantalchamberland #niuver #blickbassy #korajazztrio #heatherrigdon #kad #sherele #katarainapipi #keletiguidiabate #billycobhamandasere #hughmasekelawithmalaika
Big plans #today!
Going to take care of the car registrations and then heading to J-ville for fun with my #kad (kick-a$$ daughter). We'll be seeing the new Marvel movie for one thing. #nospoilers
NeoLoader has a Kad based search, it can find P2P downloads and Hoster links without any web site. NeoKad provides a impossible to censor distributed data storage
#emule #kad #ed2k #p2p #peertopeer #GNU #GPL #software #torrent-search #dht #npm #github #bittorrent #foss #opensource #search #searchengine
#searchengine #search #OpenSource #FOSS #bittorrent #GitHub #npm #dht #torrent #Software #GPL #GNU #peertopeer #p2p #ed2k #kad #emule
NeoLoader has a Kad based search, it can find P2P downloads and Hoster links without any web site. NeoKad provides a impossible to censor distributed data storage
#emule #kad #ed2k #p2p #peertopeer #GNU #GPL #software #torrent-search #dht #npm #github #bittorrent #foss #opensource #search #searchengine
#searchengine #search #opensource #FOSS #bittorrent #github #npm #dht #torrent #software #gpl #gnu #peertopeer #p2p #ed2k #kad #emule
[HowTo] Amule como servicio / demonio. vol.02: compartir directorios con el demonio de 'amule' #sistemas_operativos #amule #amule_daemon #demonio #servicio #amuleweb #amulegui #amulecmd #transmission #transmission_cli #transmission_daemon #debian #directorio #archivo #configuracion #settings.json #stats.json #torrent #resume #descargas #p2p #ed2k #kad #comparticion #share #shared_folders #shareddir.dat #incoming #temp #directorios #subdirectorios #archivos #recursivo
#transmission_daemon #debian #archivo #configuracion #stats #p2p #share #comparticion #shareddir #temp #settings #amule #servicio #amulegui #transmission_cli #demonio #directorio #kad #torrent #resume #ed2k #sistemas_operativos #amuleweb #amulecmd #descargas #subdirectorios #amule_daemon #archivos #transmission #shared_folders #incoming #recursivo #directorios