1. there are many security agencies competing in #russia: one of them alone cannot complete a coup.
and the military, which is stronger (in numbers), can be called in to fight them.
2. killing the tsar may be a quick action, but the most probable person to die after is the perpetrator, killed by the other courtiers to gain legitimacy (making justice by killing the regicide).
I think #Kadyrov is not a threat because he doesn't try to take control of the military.
Big difference imho.
#Prigozhin tried to take control of the military, which, being stronger, if turned against the security apparatus, would have undermined the regime of #putin and the other siloviki.
#Kadyrov is only the leader of one of various competing security agencies.
He's not a big threat because, if necessary, the other security agencies can easily deal with him and his armed units.
There are two differences:
- #Kadyrov is much more loyal than #Prigozhin
- Prigozhin's #Wagner was a military company, Kadyrov's #Akhmat is a security unit.
#kadyrov #prigozhin #wagner #Akhmat
Journalist #ElenaMilashina describes how she and lawyer Alexander Nemov were brutally attacked by #Chechnya forces of #Putin ally #Kadyrov
"They told us, 'Defend people at home, there’s no need to defend people here'"
#elenamilashina #chechnya #putin #kadyrov #russia
Just Go Home!
"The Russian media are whining that Colonel Yevgeny Pisarenko of the Russian Interior Ministry, who commanded one of Kadyrov's special forces units, has been liquidated in Ukraine."
:telegram: @yigal_levin
(ref. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/07/3/7409644/)
The date of Pisarenko’s death was not specified.
#ukraine #russia #kadyrov #ukrainewar
Speculation is yet again surrounding possible poisoning of Kadyrov (speculation, also reported in March 2023)
Sorry no confirmation
#russian #kadyrov #poisoning #pmc
Drüben gab es Gerüchte, ihm ginge es nicht sooooo gut. Konnte jemand mehr lesen 😂
Oder hat über kadyrov gehört?
Ich sag mal so, selbst wenn #Wagner jetzt zerschlagen wird, und #prigoschin im Exil in Belarus landet...
Die nächste #russische Privatatmee (oder #kadyrov) wird sich nicht mehr von Versprechungen abhalten lassen, wenn sie erst mal auf dem Weg nach #moskau sind...
Nach Aufstand In Russland: Behörden ermitteln weiter gegen Wagner-Söldner | tagesschau.de
#moskau #kadyrov #russische #prigoschin #wagner
And just in case
1. EAST of #Ukraine
#Kadyrov #Chechnya
2. NORTH of Ukraine
#Prigoshin #Bellarus
3. WEST of Ukraine
Lets see what happens next in #Moldavia #Transnistria
Looks like a classical encirclement without costs and maximum of fake.
#Ukraine #Russia #Wagner #Prigozhin #Putin #Lukaschenko #Belarus
#belarus #lukaschenko #putin #prigozhin #wagner #russia #transnistria #moldavia #bellarus #Prigoshin #chechnya #kadyrov #ukraine
And just in case
1. EAST of #Ukraine
#Kadyrov #Chechnya
2. NORTH of Ukraine
#Prigoshin #Bellarus
3. WEST of Ukraine
Lets see what happens next in #Moldavia #Transnistria
Looks like a classical encirclement without costs and maximum of fake.
#transnistria #moldavia #bellarus #Prigoshin #chechnya #kadyrov #ukraine
“After heroically doing nothing to suppress #Prigozhin's mutiny yesterday, #Kadyrov's #Chechen special forces are going back to heroically not fight in the invasion of #Ukraine.”
– Max Seddon
🐦 https://nitter.net/maxseddon/status/1672898376457768961
#ukraine #chechen #kadyrov #prigozhin
🇷🇺 Čečenský vůdce Ramzan Kadyrov podle agentury TASS členy žoldnéřské Wagnerovy skupiny vyzval, aby „i nadále byli ve svých rozhodnutích střízliví“. Za příčinu vzpoury soukromé organizace Jevgenije Prigožina označil aroganci.
#Prigozhin #Kadyrov #Russia
The entire situation is quite disappointing. But who knows – perhaps no one has told the truth yet and the “negotiations” are nothing but a feint of #Prigozhin?
#kadyrov #lukashenko #putin #russia #wagner #prigozhin
Per Jennifer Cafarella of the Institute for the Study of War (ISW)
SITREP approx 1000 EDT June 24
- Wagner advancing north past Voronezh en route to #Moscow
- No major confirmed ground clashes yet.
Some unconfirmed reports of airstrikes & at least one Wagner shoot down of a Russian helo
- #Kadyrov's Chechens are en route to Rostov. Wagner appears prepared to defend it even while pushing north. Violence likely.
#wagner #rostov #moscow #kadyrov #nationalsecurity #russia #prigozhin #putin
Putin's chain dogs are unleashed ... or Prigozhin's troops meet Kadyrov's Ascension Squad in Rostov-on-Don
#Russia #Putin #Kadyrov #Prigozhin
#Rostov-on-Don #clash
#RussianCivilWar #RussiaCivilWar
#russia #putin #kadyrov #Prigozhin #rostov #clash #russiancivilwar #russiacivilwar