Zecharias Zelalem · @zekuzelalem
1330 followers · 371 posts · Server journa.host

THREAD: So the other day, I published my report in the Middle East Eye based on leaked documents I obtained of a bilateral labor agreement signed between Ethiopia and Lebanon on April 11th 2023. Both countries meant to keep it secret, as the deal betrays the interests of hundreds of thousands of migrant domestic worker women in Lebanon. The deal highlights what a country's post civil war economic desperation can look like.


#ethiopia #lebanon #kafala

Last updated 1 year ago

unicornriot.ninja RSS · @unicornriot
704 followers · 386 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Kriszta Satori · @fulelo
3304 followers · 3147 posts · Server journa.host
Joey Ayoub · @joeyayoub
1359 followers · 35 posts · Server social.thefirethesetimes.com

I was also lucky enough to participate in the one that was even bigger, in October 2019 (as a reporter mostly). As a blogger I wrote about and other fun stuff. 4/?

#sectarianism #kafala #lgbtqrights #feminism

Last updated 2 years ago

The Public Source · @ThePublicSource
7 followers · 4 posts · Server newsie.social

What happens if we look at the whole of Lebanon’s postwar political economy and its economic collapse through the lens of Kafala?

Might Kafala also be an elaborate Ponzi scheme?

Sumayya Kassamali takes us on a deep reflection of why having a stranger at home became the postwar solution to housework in Lebanon.

It is an uncomfortable reckoning with the society of non-productivity that postwar neoliberalization created.


#neoliberalism #kafala

Last updated 2 years ago

GMI · @gmi
15 followers · 259 posts · Server framapiaf.org

Coupe du monde : des jeux sans pain
Le 18 décembre dernier se terminait la 22e édition de la coupe du monde de football dans l’émirat du Qatar. Le petit État du Golfe, premier exportateur de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) au coude à coude avec l’Australie, a ainsi réussi son pari de braquer les caméras d

#ratonnade #qatar #nationalisme #mondial #kafala #football #fifa #exploitation #coupedumonde #corruption #chantiers

Last updated 2 years ago

« Quand j'ai été au - j'y suis allé 2 fois cette année - j'ai vu des travailleurs qui avaient enchaîné 9 mois de boulot avec 3 jours de congés seulement, avec 12 heures de travail par jour 7 jours sur 7 & qui subissaient des remarques racistes à longueur de journée »

reçoit , co-auteur avec de


#livres #travailleursmigrants #travailforce #kafala #esclavage #coupedumondeqatar #qatar2022 #lesesclavesdelhommepetrole #sebastiancastelier #quentinmuller #lemediatv #qatar

Last updated 2 years ago

« Quand j'ai été au - j'y suis allé 2 fois cette année - j'ai vu des travailleurs qui avaient enchaîné 9 mois de boulot avec 3 jours de congés seulement, avec 12 heures de travail par jour 7 jours sur 7 & qui subissaient des remarques racistes à longueur de journée »

reçoit , co-auteur avec de


#livres #travailleursmigrants #travailforce #kafala #esclavage #coupedumondeqatar #qatar2022 #lesesclavesdelhommepetrole #sebastiencastelier #quentinmuller #lemediatv #qatar

Last updated 2 years ago

« Quand j'ai été au - j'y suis allé 2 fois cette année -
j'ai vu des travailleurs qui avaient enchaîné 9 mois
de boulot avec 3 jours de congés seulement, avec 12 heures de travail par jour 7 jours sur 7 & qui subissaient des remarques racistes
à longueur de journée »

reçoit , co-auteur avec de


#livres #travailleursmigrants #travailforce #kafala #esclavage #coupedumondeqatar #qatar2022 #lesesclavesdelhommepetrole #sebastiencastelier #quentinmuller #lemediatv #qatar

Last updated 2 years ago

"As the world’s attention turns to the final on Sunday between Argentina and France, we look at the case of imprisoned World Cup whistleblower , a former communications director for ’s 2022 World Cup organizers, who has been imprisoned since November 2019"

Why Has Qatar Jailed a World Cup Whistleblower? The Brother of Abdullah Ibhais Speaks Out


#democracynow #kafala #migrantworkers #fifa #fifaworldcup #QatarWorldCup2022 #qatar2022 #qatar #abdullahibhais #worldcup

Last updated 2 years ago

hipmum29 · @hipmum29
3 followers · 8 posts · Server mstdn.social

What good is it to bring awareness to & expose the atrocities committed & in for the if at the end of it you still watch & cheer as if nothing is going on? That might be more depraved than the oppressors. I am appalled you participated. tube.fede.re/videos/watch/4996

#lgbtqrights #womensrights #canada150 #kafala #MigrantWorkers #worldcup #qatar #humanrightsviolations

Last updated 2 years ago

it's kat! · @kathimmel
557 followers · 3968 posts · Server mstdn.social

While it's always been something that bugs me, I usually don't comment on social media about the ridiculousness and racism implicit in the system. Part of this is that there are folks who are way more knowledgeable than me on it (especially a lot of Arab activists). Another is that I do think there are too many South Asians that ignore the horrific treatment of domestic servants and laborers in SA to be self-righteous towards the Middle East. Not too mention, it's difficult to filly discuss the kafala system without mentioning all the employers operating in South Asia, the refusal of the governments to protect their citizens, and the acquiescence of the bourgeois and elite to the plight of working class people.

That being said, it's always disheartening to see, even among some progressives, to go "well Kafala might be bad.....but orientalism" or even just downplaying the kafala system in general because it forces them to confront a system where they can't necessarily claim victimhood themselves (especially with diasporas, see this kind of thing all the time). Despite the fact is going on for decades, the human toll on this has been staggering, and it's a part of an already dehumanizing system in the global economic system, this is where so many draw the line. Many of those same folks demand allies, attention, etc, unless it implicates them.

Anyway, respect for the folks in Lebanon, the Gulf, and elsewhere in the Middle East fighting against the Kafala system, and those around the world fighting for migrant rights.


Last updated 2 years ago

Articolo21 · @articolo21
100 followers · 2342 posts · Server sociale.network
webdave_de · @webdave_de
86 followers · 15 posts · Server mastodon.social

2.6 Millionen Menschen leben dort.
2.3 Millionen davon sind Arbeitsimmigranten.

#qatar #kafala

Last updated 2 years ago

Geoffrey Hughes · @geofffhughes
67 followers · 14 posts · Server mastodon.social

Dort leiden sie unter zu langen Arbeitszeiten, unhygienischen und beengten Unterbringungen, rechtlicher Unsicherheit und hoher Abhängigkeit von ihren Arbeitgeber*innen, die im -System die vollständige Verfügungsgewalt haben und ihnen z.B. die Reisepässe abnehmen können.


Last updated 2 years ago

RadioBlackout 105.25 - Rss Bot · @rbo
44 followers · 1444 posts · Server mastodon.cisti.org
Radio Blackout - Rss Bot · @radioblackout
421 followers · 1816 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im