Ich glaube, wir werden am Wochenende mal auf ein #kagi Duo-Abo wechseln. Mir gefallen die Suchergebnisse von kagi schon sehr gut und meine Frau findet auch gefallen daran. Da lohnt sich das Duo-Abo.
I'm going to try switching my default search engine from Brave to #Kagi for a while using their trial. First impressions are pretty good so far.
The new #Kagi updates look nice, I’ll definitely be using that !q bang
I also expected them to have more users, ~8000 is a nice amount though
I'm currently trying out https://kagi.com as my default search engine, curious to see if a paid engine can resolve the issues that have, in my opinion, been plaguing search lately.
Experimenting with #kagi. I'm pretty much done with #google search, it's just useless now and well into the enshittification cycle, on top of being target #1 for SEO spammers and copycat sites.
It doesn't make sense to be cheap about something so foundational to daily life as finding information.
"The fall of Stack Overflow" which largely turns into another "Google is crap" comment storm. Have to say I agree - have been using https://kagi.com for a while now and very much prefer it to Google.
#search #kagi #hackernews #google
aight, ran outta free searches with #Kagi
verdict: worth trying a bit longer so im gonna take a subscription
one of the first downsides that i ran into is that localized results arent the best Yet
excited to find out if this is DuckDuckGo++
Author and political scientist Ian Bremmer commented, “The idea that we get our information as citizens through algorithms determined by the world’s largest advertising company is my definition of dystopia.”
This is a really interesting article on the present state and likely future state of search.
#search #searchtools #google #kagisearch #kagi
Google es inusable. Sólo salen propagandas (ads).
Estoy intentando con #Kagi. Todavía me da tacañería pagar, pero la interfaz es un bálsamo.
¿Ustedes que usan?
🥥 Your toot is the first I've heard of the #Kagi search engine, Ian.
Thank YOU for the heads-up! 🥥
#Kagi is working well for me so far as a #Neeva replacement. All of their pages are noticeably fast and responsive, and the search results are good. Only complaint is their browser extension for Chromium browsers took some fiddeling to get working in Vivaldi and have my default search actually switch, but other than that it’s been smooth sailing.
Any opinions out there for #kagi search? Trying it and liking it.
Have been team-ddg for a while, even though it's bing, it's really not that bad for content.
However, I'm still not crazy about the MS trackers, and I would never go back to google as it's completely unusable (literally I don't understand how can stand it...)
Being more and more disappointed by #DuckDuckGo, I'm giving #Kagi a try... and so far I really, *really* like it. More than I expected. Super fast, search results are more relevant than DDG, and the AI summarizer is pretty impressive.
Not subscribing yet, but really considering it.
Originating from the same company, #Kagi as an alternative to Google’s search makes up for a strong first impression. It’s blazingly fast.
You have to pay for it, but you’re not a product then.
After reading the manual, I think I'm sold on #Kagi. What great documentation. https://help.kagi.com/kagi/company/index.html
@kyvan @davidpierce At this point, I’m in need of for a paid alternative so I’ll be checking #Kagi out. Thanks for the tip!
#Kagi changed their pricing model, increasing search limits by almost 50% and making AI features free.