- User centric 👍
- Private and NO ADS!
- Fast and Good results
- Many smart options to rank up&down, block or pin sites from results, for example
- Clean and Customizable UI
- Lenses (predefined patterns of searches targeted by themes, sites, dates; region, file types....)
- Worth the price :tony_normal:
Testing #kagi
and i have to admit that
#kagisearch on obscure topics is quite relevant.
@navigium ooh #kagi #kagisearch looks really interesting. It would be great if we had a good quality sustainable #search that wasn't based on ads or selling personal data.
Post-#neeva update: I have the feeling that the search results at #Kagi are slowly getting better. What I am missing at the moment? It would be great if you didn't have to choose either Germany OR International for "Region", but could select several individually weighted regions.
#neeva #Kagi #websearch #kagisearch
Author and political scientist Ian Bremmer commented, “The idea that we get our information as citizens through algorithms determined by the world’s largest advertising company is my definition of dystopia.”
This is a really interesting article on the present state and likely future state of search.
#search #searchtools #google #kagisearch #kagi
@Taffer get the session link from settings, copy it to the other device and paste it to the "add search engine" dialog #kagisearch
I have been testing #KagiSearch out for the last day (ht @anderspuck for the tip) and I'm not sure I can go back to #DuckDuckGo now...
It's amazing.
Since Neeva announced they were calling it a day for their search engine, I’ve been looking at a few others and after trying out Kagi, I've decided to subscribe. No ads and private. $5 a month which I am happy to pay for the service. #Kagi #KagiSearch
Similarly, last year I started paying for #KagiSearch, and I have loved it.
I have also mostly stopped using Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Not as a political gesture, just because it feels nicer not to use them.
I feel like Google used to let you do something like this, but even then it was a lot coarser. I love this feature! <3 #KagiSearch #Kagi #WhatEvenIsAHashtagAnyways
#kagisearch #Kagi #whatevenisahashtaganyways