"#Meldestellen" - die #Stasi ist zurück
"Nach eigener Aussage setzt sich die Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung, die als den Grünen nahe stehend gilt, angeblich für eher liberale Werte ein. Doch das Betreiben eines Gesinnungsprangers ist alles andere als liberal, sondern in höchstem Maße antidemokratisch und illiberal. Und dass dafür auch noch Steuergelder missbraucht werden, macht die ganze Sache unerträglich!"
Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s Minister of Chaos
*Meir Kahane, a Brooklyn rabbi who moved to Israel in 1971 to whom Arabs were “dogs” who “must sit quietly or get the hell out.” His rhetoric was so virulent that lawmakers from both sides of the aisle used to walk out of the Kneset when he spoke. His party, Kach (Thus), was finally barred from parliament in 1988. Ben-Gvir served as a Kach youth leader and has called #Kahane a “saint.”*
Itamar Ben-Gvir, Israel’s Minister of Chaos
*Meir Kahane, a Brooklyn rabbi who moved to Israel in 1971 to whom Arabs were “dogs” who “must sit quietly or get the hell out.” His rhetoric was so virulent that lawmakers from both sides of the aisle used to walk out of the Kneset when he spoke. His party, Kach (Thus), was finally barred from parliament in 1988. Ben-Gvir served as a Kach youth leader and has called #Kahane a “saint.”*
Right now, @sfsymphony plays #Gershwin with Tao and #Kahane with Moran in San Francisco https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/gershwin_with_tao_and_kahane_with_moran_from_san_francisco/73972/ #wch
In 20 minutes, @sfsymphony plays #Gershwin with Tao and #Kahane with Moran in San Francisco https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/gershwin_with_tao_and_kahane_with_moran_from_san_francisco/73972/ #wch
Today, @sfsymphony plays #Gershwin with Tao and #Kahane with Moran in San Francisco https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/gershwin_with_tao_and_kahane_with_moran_from_san_francisco/73972/ #wch
Indem der #Kahanismus allen den #Krieg erklärt, erweist er sich der westlichen Bourgeoisie, die gegenwärtig wieder besonders aggressiv imperiale Ziele verfolgt, als überaus nützlich. #Israel #Kahane
#jWTitel von Susann Witt-Stahl
#kahanismus #krieg #israel #kahane #jwtitel
Right now, a #Kahane's world premiere with himself and friends #Auerbach and #Beethoven from #Portland https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/a_kahanes_world_premiere_with_himself_and_friends_auerbach_and_beethoven_from_portland/72960/ #wch
#kahane #auerbach #Beethoven #portland #wch
In 25 minutes, a #Kahane's world premiere with himself and friends #Auerbach and #Beethoven from #Portland https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/a_kahanes_world_premiere_with_himself_and_friends_auerbach_and_beethoven_from_portland/72960/ #wch
#kahane #auerbach #Beethoven #portland #wch
Today, a #Kahane's world premiere with himself and friends #Auerbach and #Beethoven from #Portland https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/a_kahanes_world_premiere_with_himself_and_friends_auerbach_and_beethoven_from_portland/72960/ #wch
#kahane #auerbach #Beethoven #portland #wch
Right now, chamber music from #Copenhagen: #Schubert and #Kahane with himself https://pst.cr/7dfwd #wch
#copenhagen #schubert #kahane #wch
In 20 minutes, chamber music from #Copenhagen: #Schubert and #Kahane with himself https://pst.cr/7dfwd #wch
#copenhagen #schubert #kahane #wch
In 20 minutes, chamber music from #Copenhagen: #Schubert and #Kahane with himself https://pst.cr/7dfwd #wch
#copenhagen #schubert #kahane #wch
Today, chamber music from #Copenhagen: #Schubert and #Kahane with himself https://pst.cr/7dfwd #wch
#copenhagen #schubert #kahane #wch
@amadeuantonio #Kahane-#Stasi segelt zur #Volksverblödung #UnterFalscherFlagge. Bravo! #WeiterSo!
#weiterso #unterfalscherflagge #volksverblodung #stasi #kahane
@amadeuantonio #Kahane#Stasi segelt zur #Volksverblödung #UnterFalscherFlagge. Bravo! #WeiterSo!
#weiterso #unterfalscherflagge #volksverblodung #kahane
Referenced link: http://jungewelt.de/artikel/439124.html
Originally posted by junge Welt / @jungewelt@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/jungewelt/status/1594737906446368770#m
Was Figuren wie #Kahane, den Siedleranführer Baruch Marzel oder Ben-Gvir von arrivierten Politikern wie #Netanjahu unterscheidet, ist ihr soziales Milieu.
Ihre #Gewalt ist nicht die der Armee, sondern die der Graswurzelterroristen und Schlägertrupps.
RT @Feuerwaechter@twitter.com
„While democracy and human rights may have enemies, the people are standing up for their rights and refusing to be cowed by authoritarianism.“
That’s the reason why #OSF is collaborating with people from the former #Stasi like Anetta #Kahane? Are you kidding? https://twitter.com/georgesoros/status/1190646369792483328
„While democracy and human rights may have enemies, the people are standing up for their rights and refusing to be cowed by authoritarianism.“
That’s the reason why #OSF is collaborating with people from the former #Stasi like Anetta #Kahane? Are you kidding?
RT @georgesoros@twitter.com
Open society must be tested in order for it to survive. While democracy and human rights may have enemies, the people are standing up for their ri…
H&M unterstützt also die linksextremistische @AmadeuAntonio@twitter.com Stiftung von #Stasi - #Kahane. Muss man bei @hmdeutschland@twitter.com jetzt auch auf verstechte Kameras in den Umkleidekabinen achten?
RT @hm_custserv@twitter.com
@AlfredEBeach Hi, H&M ist sich seiner Verantwortu@AmadeuAntonio@twitter.comher prüfen wir alle Organisationen, an die wi@hmdeutschland@twitter.comfältig. Die Amadeu Antonio Stiftung leistet einen wic…