Ist es überhaupt treffend vom #Change zu sprechen? Wäre es nicht zielführender die großen Veränderungen im Sinne von Disruption, vom alltäglichen Streben nach dem Besseren stärker begrifflich zu trennen (#Kaizen) und die Rolle des #ScrumMasters verstärkt und vor allem implizit mehr auf #Kaizen, evolutionäre #Veränderung auszurichten, auszubilden und zu entwickeln? Mehr noch als es im Scrum Leitfaden steht und entsprechend auch die Ausbildungsprogramme zu entwickeln?
#change #kaizen #scrummasters #veranderung
1. Ya se lo pasé a @WedgeSparda.
2. Ninguno, pero ocasionalmente los episodios que tengo pendientes de #kaizen.
3. Hace tiempo que restrinjo lo que consumo, ya sea streaming, videojuegos o podcasts, así que sigo los de siempre.
4. Sí, es un medio al que todavía se le puede exprimir.
5. «Un podcast más», pero pocos os acordaréis de él.
6. Ninguna.
7. ¿Me sigue alguno? 🤔
8. NUA y Kafelog, pero eso ya lo hicimos. 😅
Need to make a big change? The Japanese practice of kaizen--continuous improvement--can get you there.
L'actualité se prête à la réflexion sur la fameuse "résistance au changement" (spoiler : habituellement justifiée)... Le Blog du #lean m'a proposé d'écrire sur ce sujet, à propos du #kaizen. Si vous aussi, vous pensez parfois qu' "il nous reste beaucoup de chemin à faire pour être capables d'avancer", comme j'ai un jour entendu un directeur d'administration le dire à son ministre, je me permets d'espérer que cette analyse à base de théorie du #coping vous intéressera :
Want to make your organization fit for complexity & fit for human beings? Then the wisdom of W. Edwards #Deming is the best possible guide! Make it available to EVERYONE, with the "What Would Deming do?" book, get book packages with attractive discounts:
#deming #whatwoulddemingdo #betacodexpress #betacodex #agile #scrum #lean #teal #beyondbudgeting #kaizen #quality #totalquality #orgdev #orgdesign #juran #tqm #qrm #quickresponse
#deming #whatwoulddemingdo #betacodexpress #betacodex #agile #scrum #lean #teal #beyondbudgeting #kaizen #quality #totalquality #orgdev #orgdesign #juran #TQM #qrm #quickresponse
@nielspflaeging Most people find #Deming's work (like his books "Out of the Crisis" and "The New Economics") difficult to understand and hard to enjoy. This book (we took a look at it) is entirely different. It offers the advantage at making Deming's idea easy to grasp AND easy to contextualize.
This book is highly recommended!
#betacodexpress @nielspflaeging #orgdev #lean #leanmanagement #quality #totalquality #totalqualitymanagement #kaizen #kanban #agile #agility #orgdesign #process #management #leadership #transformation #beyondbudgeting #systemsthinking #systems #newwork
#deming #betacodexpress #orgdev #Lean #leanmanagement #quality #totalquality #totalqualitymanagement #kaizen #kanban #agile #agility #orgdesign #process #management #leadership #transformation #beyondbudgeting #systemsthinking #systems #newwork
Guide des moteurs de recherche alternatifs et éco-responsables
#lilo , #qwant , #ecosia , #karma , #DuckDuckGo ... Des #moteurderecherche émergent depuis quelques années comme une alternative au géant du Web, #google . Si ces plateformes ne réduisent pas l’ #empreintecarbone de notre navigation, elles assurent une meilleure protection de nos données personnelles, et reversent leurs revenus publicitaires à des associations environnementales et/ou solidaires.
#kaizen #empreintecarbone #google #moteurderecherche #duckduckgo #karma #ecosia #qwant #lilo
Lean Manufacturing
Lean Manufacturing, também conhecido como Produção Enxuta, é um sistema de gerenciamento de produção que busca maximizar a eficiência e eliminar desperdícios (como tempo, espaço, materiais e mão de obra) no processo produtivo.
#FormaçãoAcadêmica #5w2h #FormaçãodeLíderes #gemba #JIT #kaizen #lean #LeanManufacturing #liderança #pdca #takttime
#formacaoacademica #5w2h #formacaodelideres #gemba #jit #kaizen #lean #leanmanufacturing #lideranca #pdca #takttime
I threw a lot of paint at the wall last week, some of it stuck but a lot of it run down the wall or evaporated. This week I’m going to work on refining that paint mix and adding a little more stickiness agent, a little less water, give it more substance. I think I’ll likely prime the surface a little better too. The devil however, will always be in the detail.
Have a great week everyone! #life #productivity #refinement #kaizen
#Life #productivity #refinement #kaizen
As an improvement expert I realize that how this woman makes her house ADHD Friendly is like making a workplace free of waste. Collegues with ADHD are probably the best experts in identifying the clutter and distractions you want to get right of in your processes.
#ContinousImprovement #ADHD #Kaizen #InclusiveByDesign #ADHDFriendly #Waste
#waste #adhdfriendly #inclusivebydesign #kaizen #adhd #continousimprovement
This has been my latest article on LinkedIn:
You can find all my articles there, here:
#betacodex #systemsthinking #orgdev #orgdesign #agile #scrum #lean #teal #kaizen #workthesystem #newwork #leadership #transformation #change
#betacodex #systemsthinking #orgdev #orgdesign #agile #scrum #lean #teal #kaizen #workthesystem #newwork #leadership #transformation #change
The best book on software delivery that you read this year was/is?
Looking to keep this skill high and not getting a ton of opportunity at my current gig
#ci #cd #softwaredelivery #kaizen
This is a new video of mine from an online meetup session on contemporary organization, #leadership and #BetaTransformation.
Learn how to #WorkTheSystem and create the consistently self-organized, high-performance organization. Fast!
#betacodex @silkehermann @BetaCodex #newwork #futureofwork #futureofleadership #agile #scrum #lean #kaizen
#leadership #betatransformation #workthesystem #betacodex #newwork #futureofwork #futureofleadership #agile #scrum #lean #kaizen
This is a new video of mine from an online meetup session on contemporary #OrgDesign, #leadership and #BetaTransformation.
Learn how to #WorkTheSystem and create the consistently self-organized, high-performance organization. Fast!
#betacodex @silkehermann @BetaCodex #newwork #futureofwork #futureofleadership #agile #scrum #lean #kaizen #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment
#orgdesign #orgdev #organizationaldevelopment #leadership #betatransformation #workthesystem #betacodex #newwork #futureofwork #futureofleadership #agile #scrum #lean #kaizen
Ich bin überzeugt davon, dass es in den eigenen Arbeitsprozessen immer etwas gibt, was man verbessern kann.
Nicht um des Verbesserns willen, sondern weil du etwas davon hast.
✔️ Was kannst du verkürzen?
✔️ Was kannst du weglassen?
✔️ Was kannst du delegieren?
#kaizen #prozessoptimierung #produktivitat
Ich bin überzeugt davon, dass es in den eigenen Arbeitsprozessen immer etwas gibt, was man verbessern kann.
Nicht um des Verbesserns willen, sondern weil du etwas davon hast.
✔️ Was kannst du verkürzen?
✔️ Was kannst du weglassen?
✔️ Was kannst du delegieren?
#kaizen #prozessoptimierung #produktivitat
One could profitably produce almost every industrial product in the EU. With command-and-control (or: Alpha) organizations) however, that won't be possible: They are too wasteful, too centralized, too slow, too ineffective, too innovation-inhibiting.
We need companies to opt for #decentralization, and to renounce centralized steering!
#betacodex #newwork #beyondbudgeting #noplanning #agile #agility #lean #teal #kaizen #workthesystem
#decentralization #betacodex #newwork #beyondbudgeting #noplanning #agile #agility #lean #teal #kaizen #workthesystem
One could profitably manufacture almost every industrial product in the EU.
With command-and-control (or: Alpha) organizations) however, that won't be possible: They are too wasteful, too centralized, too slow, too ineffective, too innovation-inhibiting.
We need companies to opt for #decentralization, and we need them to renounce the wastefulness and the limitations of centralized steering!
#betacodex #newwork #beyondbudgeting #noplanning #agile #agility #lean #teal #kaizen #workthesystem
#decentralization #betacodex #newwork #beyondbudgeting #noplanning #agile #agility #lean #teal #kaizen #workthesystem
@bbak I looked closer into 3 of the #Emiliani books I have here. and ordered 7 more And I watched a video on YouTube, too. Now I must correct my previous judgment a little.
1) I think Emiliani cannot fathom "Overcoming the system". He loves #Kaizen, for example (sadly does not see the difference to #SixSigma). He cannot wrap his head around anything truly transformational.
2) He is a firm believer in a bunch of conspiracy theories, which start with "They" and "People just...".