▶️ Aussteiger-Biografie des „Hitlers von Köln“: Volltrunkene „Atzen“ und „komplexe Staatstheorie“
#köln #aachen #stolberg #düren #npd #kal #abm #koblenz #pulheim
#koln #Aachen #Stolberg #duren #npd #kal #abm #Koblenz #Pulheim
Canadian Letter: Is KAL stock a Buy? https://www.cantechletter.com/2023/05/is-kal-stock-a-buy/ #canada #tech #Technology #Allposts #kal
#Canada #Tech #technology #Allposts #kal
Other things I've now demonstrated to myself: I'm no good at Knit-A-Longs (KAL.) Bought the yarn, new needles, even watched the kick off stream. Everything is still in the bag.
#KAL #CapricornCowl #Knitting #Crafting #SlowSundays #Strikke #TheFibreCo #hobbies
#kal #capricorncowl #knitting #crafting #slowsundays #strikke #thefibreco #hobbies
Slow Sundays start with some knitting.
Currently working on an Oslo Hat by PetiteKnit for my partner and just prepping for the Capricorn Cowl KAL by winding my first colourway so it's ready to go when the needles arrive. This wool is super soft!!
#knitting #knitters #strikke #Tundra #CapricornCowl #KAL #yarn #SlowSunday
#SlowSunday #yarn #kal #capricorncowl #tundra #strikke #knitters #knitting
One of the ways I take care of myself is through crafting. While there's already a project I'm planning on focusing on this weekend, I did catch up on the Capricorn Cowl KAL Cast-On Party and it reminds me to get this started soon as well.
#knitting #knitstodon #KAL #TheFibreCo #Tundra #Wool #SelfCare #crafting
#crafting #selfcare #wool #tundra #thefibreco #kal #knitstodon #knitting
@KAL Der für die #KAL eigene Entscheidungsprozess hat seine Licht- und Schattenseiten.
Die Gruppierung hat so gut durchdachte und in der Regel klare Positionen im Gemeinderat, kann so andererseits nur langsam zu akuten Entwicklungen reagieren. Geht es mal rasch handelt entweder ein Stadtrat selbständig (dürfen sie natürlich) oder eines der Plenumsmitglieder war früh aufmerksam und sprach es vorab schon an. Die vielen guten Anträge belegen das Erfolgsmodell in der
#Kommunalpolitik von #Karlsruhe
#karlsruhe #kommunalpolitik #kal
@RuthZ There are already 350+ people signed up. Hope you'll consider joining, wouldnt that be fun! Starts 12-26. Here's a link to the page.
#shawl #stephenwest #westknits #kal #knitting
#Kammergericht entscheidet Streit um Parteimitgliedschaft – Ex-AfD-Politiker #Kalbitz bleibt draußen
Der Brandenburger Landtagsabgeordnete Andreas Kalbitz hat im Streit um seine Parteimitgliedschaft in der AfD eine weitere Niederlage eingesteckt. Auch das Kammergericht ist davon überzeugt, dass sein R
#Dienste #Kameradschaft #Rechtsextremismus #urteil
#kammergericht #kal #dienste #kameradschaft #rechtsextremismus #urteil
#Kammergericht entscheidet Streit um Parteimitgliedschaft – Ex-AfD-Politiker #Kalbitz bleibt draußen
Der Brandenburger Landtagsabgeordnete Andreas Kalbitz hat im Streit um seine Parteimitgliedschaft in der AfD eine weitere Niederlage eingesteckt. Auch das Kammergericht ist davon überzeugt, dass sein R
#Dienste #Kameradschaft #Rechtsextremismus #urteil
#kammergericht #kal #dienste #kameradschaft #rechtsextremismus #urteil
I'm wondering what to do now that my most recent #knitting pattern is out. Do I finish the sweater I've been working on, sew some pyjama pants for my family, make that plaid flannel dress I really want to wear, or finish cleaning up the garden before it actually snows 🤔
Oh, and I was thinking last night about having a casual #KAL for the Tabby Cat pattern.
#knittersofmastodon #kal #knitting
Hey, what if we also did a hashtag introduction by musical taste? I like:
#TheSplashdowns #PumpkinWitch #kobold #WOLFCLUB #lichking #BigSugar #CultOfThePsychicFetus #ChurchOfTheCosmicSkull #OrangeGoblin #vodun #anthrax #janellemonae #BettyDavis #parliament #metallica #kal #burningwitches #baroness #bloodywood #DorFantasma
Kal'tsit - Monst3r
Cat Medic - Summon
#Art #Arknights #Anthro #Furry #FurryArt #Kal'tsit #Cat #CatGirl #Medic #Monst3r #Female
#アークナイツ #明日方舟 #명일방주 #ケモ #ケモノ #兽人 #獸人 #獣人 #擬獣化 #ケルシー(アークナイツ)
#ケルシー #擬獣化 #獣人 #獸人 #兽人 #ケモノ #ケモ #명일방주 #明日方舟 #アークナイツ #female #Monst3r #medic #catgirl #cat #kal #furryart #furry #anthro #arknights #art
Arknights - Warfarin Kal'tsit Breeze FEater Manticore
#Art #Arknights #Anthro #Furry #FurryArt #Warfarin #Vampire #Bat #Kal'tsit #Cat #CatGirl #Breeze #Fox #FoxGirl #FEater #Panda #PandaGirl #Manticore #ManticoreGirl #Female
#アークナイツ #ワルファリン(アークナイツ) #ケルシー(アークナイツ) #ブリーズ(アークナイツ) #エフイーター(アークナイツ) #マンティコア(アークナイツ)
#マンティコア #エフイーター #ブリーズ #ケルシー #ワルファリン #アークナイツ #female #manticoregirl #manticore #pandagirl #panda #feater #foxgirl #fox #breeze #catgirl #cat #kal #bat #vampire #warfarin #furryart #furry #anthro #arknights #art
#Art #Arknights #Anthro #Furry #FurryArt #Kal'tsit #Cat #CatGirl #Female
#アークナイツ #ケルシー(アークナイツ)
#ケルシー #アークナイツ #female #catgirl #cat #kal #furryart #furry #anthro #arknights #art
Kal is jsut trying to resist... but let's face it... he's weak :V
The empress will punish him later. :V
Presh is (c) to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/wingblack
#teasing #rubbing #goat #piercings #anthro #male #Necuratul #MyOCs #Kal
#teasing #goat #piercings #anthro #male #necuratul #myocs #kal #rubbing
This cartoon by KAL in this week's The Economist captures the silly mood of panic buying in the era of COVID-19.
[ https://www.economist.com/the-world-this-week/2020/03/14/kals-cartoon ]
#cartoons #kal #theeconomist #COVID19 #panicbuying
IMAGE: "The Kal Niranjan" (Lord of Time, Death and Illusion, the Gnostic Demiurge, Universal Collective Mind/Ego of the Cosmos). For more see, The Anurag Sagar: https://tinyurl.com/274qdl8
#gnostic #demiurge #kal #kalniranjan #mani #manichaean #manichaeanism #manichaeans #kabir #gurukabir #santdharamdas #dharamdas #gnosticgospels #gnosticgospel #india #scriptures #sants #SantMat #Radhasoami #AnuragSagar #OceanOfLove #monkeymind #ego #acourseinmiracles #meditation #spirituality #pathofthemasters
#manichaeans #kabir #gurukabir #scriptures #gnostic #demiurge #kal #kalniranjan #mani #manichaean #manichaeanism #santdharamdas #dharamdas #gnosticgospels #gnosticgospel #india #sants #santmat #radhasoami #anuragsagar #oceanoflove #monkeymind #ego #acourseinmiracles #meditation #spirituality #pathofthemasters
It's getting too big for the needles! :D
Latest progress on my Sycamore Creek Shawl
It continues to fill me with cheer ^_^
But fear not! Although I was pinned to the CoA by Kestra, I was able to make progress on my Sycamore Creek shawl!
And finally, All Is Well: The Green Has Arrived! ;D