Steh :hellmo: · @steh
58 followers · 168 posts · Server

Na foto elas ficaram muito mais pink que o roxo que são realmente.

#kalandiva #kalanchoe

Last updated 1 year ago

G. Luca :mastodon: · @2912gianluca
100 followers · 556 posts · Server


Last updated 1 year ago

magicalwoodlands · @magicalwoodlands
354 followers · 499 posts · Server

I just potted a felt bush (kalanchoe beharensis) that has been in my family for over 50 years. It had grown 5’ tall from a small pot, originally mailed to us as a cutting by grandma (wrapped in wet paper towel & tin foil). So last year I cut the top off, rooted that, & today it starts a proper new life. Houseplant reincarnation! What a metaphor for something, haven’t figured out what yet. I also successful rooted a leaf from it separately. Amazing!

#kalanchoe #houseplants #plants

Last updated 1 year ago

Divendres vaig comprar aquesta preciosa . Les de flors taronges sempre han estat les meves preferides, però són difícils de trobar.
Ara forma part de la meva família i es diu Virtudes 💖 (sí, li poso nom a totes les meves plantes)


Last updated 2 years ago

YouCanToo · @youcantoo
580 followers · 4698 posts · Server

Flaming Katy - A different view

📷 Canon SL2/200D - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro Lens - ISO 100 - Aperture: f/4.5 - Shutter Speed 1/50 sec

Focus stacked using 15 individual images.

#photo #photography #focusstacked #macro #closeup #flower #flamingkaty #kalanchoe #ZereneStacker #CanonSL2 #CanonMacro

Last updated 2 years ago

YouCanToo · @youcantoo
580 followers · 4697 posts · Server

Flaming Katy

📷 Canon SL2/200D - Canon EF-S 60mm Macro Lens - ISO 100 - Aperture: f/4.5 - Shutter Speed 1/50 sec

Focus stacked using 15 individual images.

#photo #photography #focusstacked #macro #closeup #flower #flamingkaty #kalanchoe #ZereneStacker #CanonSL2 #CanonMacro

Last updated 2 years ago

bill harris · @billh
3 followers · 5 posts · Server

I'm quite proud how these turned out at work.

#kalanchoe #greenhouse #bayviewflowers

Last updated 2 years ago

Laurie S · @loveallexcludenone
625 followers · 5474 posts · Server

Felt Bush, doesn’t like to get wet leaves! Mother plant, pup with flowers, darling tiny flower

#succulents #kalanchoe #flower

Last updated 2 years ago

R3colecta · @r3colecta
9 followers · 46 posts · Server



Kalanchoe: nombre genérico que se supone fue nombrado por una de sus especies (posiblemente Kalanchoe spathulata).

Como el resto de suculentas, las especies de este género requieren pocos cuidados.

La mayoría de las especies no tolera temperaturas por debajo de 5 °C.
Agradecen el abonado durante el periodo vegetativo para prolongar la floración.

Prefiere suelos poco compactos y bien drenados.

Se multiplican por esquejes de tallo u hoja. Algunas especies como K. daigremontiana se pueden plantar las plántulas que nacen en los bordes de las hojas.

Reino: Plantae
División: Magnoliophyta
Clase: Magnoliopsida
Orden: Saxifragales
Familia: Crassulaceae
Subfamilia: Kalanchoideae
Género: Kalanchoe
Adans. 1763


#r3colecta #kalanchoe #suculentas #reproducirsuculentas #propagarsuculentas #propagarsuculentasporhojas #sellor3colecta #r3colectaarborizacion #r3colectareforestacion #r3colectaforestacion #recolecta

Last updated 2 years ago

calamityJen · @foozma73
196 followers · 322 posts · Server
janex :msdos: · @janex
25 followers · 34 posts · Server
Sara Marie Reine · @skimgoth
152 followers · 379 posts · Server

Let me tell you something about a plant named Kalanchoe daigremontiana, also known as Mother of Thousands, or (appropriately) more ominously Devil's Backbone.

I believe Devil's Backbone is a legitimately scary plant. The scariest plant I've ever encountered.

The first thing you should know is that it's toxic. It contains cardiac glycosides, and big doses can kill pets, livestock, and small theory. Fatal doses are incredibly rare. But I can't imagine it's very much fun to consume cardiac glycosides and stay alive, either.

There are many more toxic plants, but Devil's Backbone is also difficult to contain: every single scallop around its edge will make babies. You can see a few are still attached. Most are in the soil, already establishing new roots, which will produce more plants with scalloped edges, each of which guessed it.

Babies are small and lightweight. They travel easily. They will fill the pots of your other plants. They will jump on your clothes to go outside.

So you can't really contain this poisonous plant...unless you're ready for it.

Surely, everyone who owns Devil's Backbone is ready for it, right?

Ha ha! The scariest thing of all is that you can find Kalanchoe daigremontiana and its close cousin, K. delagoensis, at pretty much any major chain hardware store that also sells plants. You can find much-prettier variegations than this. They're so attractive! Especially when they flower.

There is no warning about the toxicity or prolificity of this plant in the places where it sold. NONE. (There are a lot of very toxic plants sold with no warning. For instance, lilies can cause kidney failure and death for house cats within hours of taking a single sniff of the pollen. If you knew that, you didn't learn it from the store where you bought lilies.) (NEVER have lilies in the house if you have cats. EVER.)

Anyway, I have been scared of Devil's Backbone for a long time, so I've never stopped thinking about it, and become progressively obsessed, and now here we are.

I bought myself a Devil's Backbone.

It came from TX, around 1700 miles away. The package got lost on its route to me. It took two weeks to arrive in the coldest winter Nevada has experienced for years. I fully expected to open the box and find a dead black frozen plant! I was at peace with this outcome: "Perhaps Fate is telling me I should not have gotten this cursed plant," I thought to myself. "I accept the Judgment of Fate."

When my keys first penetrated the box's tape, I was struck by the strongest botanical scent. I was convinced that was the scent of rot.

I kept cutting.

I found the box brimming with cotton, packed totally full.
As I pulled the cotton away, the babies started dropping. Little green cardiac glycoside bombs on my counter everywhere. Still green. Many rooted.

And within the cotton, a slightly cold, little shriveled, but mostly healthy Devil's Backbone.

Fate might have said "You don't want this," but the Devil herself said, "Oh, you want me. You know you want me."

(I will be raising this plant inside a fishbowl with vented lid. That's my plan for keeping her contained safely from my plants, where I can admire her dangerous beauty at no risk to my pets.)


#houseplants #MotherOfMillions #DevilsBackbone #MotherOfThousands #KalanchoeDaigremontiana #kalanchoe #plants

Last updated 2 years ago

Mamalafafala · @Mamalafafala
423 followers · 342 posts · Server

Kalanchoe Delagoensis goes by many names- chandelier plant, devil's backbone, alligator plant, mother of thousands, mother of millions, and Mexican hat plant to name a few. It is considered invasive in many warm climate areas. Luckily, where I live it will only survive if brought inside for winter. This is is quite possibly my favorite color.

#gardening #houseplants #kalanchoe

Last updated 2 years ago

Sara Reine · @skimgoth
426 followers · 752 posts · Server

Rearranging my home office today means a couple of my plant displays got consolidated in my bedroom. It's really fun seeing so many of them together in one place! Usually I keep my collection spread between rooms to take advantage of windows and to spread the prettiness around, but I really like this too.


#euphorbia #echeveria #rhapidophora #tradescantia #kalanchoe #monstera #indoorgardening #houseplants #Plantstodon #plants

Last updated 2 years ago

990000 · @990000
34 followers · 176 posts · Server

Why are some plants so easy and some a mysterious pain in the butt? Have had this kalanchoe that will just not grow properly. We’re able to cut and regrow it, but it seems to never be satisfied with the amount of light and keeps extending vertically. I feel like it just wants a ton of sunlight.


Last updated 2 years ago

My wife and I are going to prune the now-leggy I gave her when we started dating. Wish us luck! This plant has been through a lot.

#kalanchoe #gardening

Last updated 5 years ago