Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Powerful Amicus Brief Asks SCOTUS to Block Domestic Abusers From Owning Guns #Jezebel #intimatepartnerviolence #everytownforgunsafety #unitedstatesvrahimi #gloriaaguileraterry #crimesagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #domesticviolence #restrainingorder #zackeyrahimi #socialissues #gunviolence #kalashnikov #violence #lawcrime #crimes #abuse #crime
#jezebel #intimatepartnerviolence #everytownforgunsafety #unitedstatesvrahimi #gloriaaguileraterry #crimesagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #domesticviolence #restrainingorder #zackeyrahimi #socialissues #gunviolence #kalashnikov #violence #lawcrime #crimes #abuse #crime
Kotaku: The Joker Looks Wild In The Suicide Squad Anime By Attack On Titan Folks #gaming #tech #kotaku #harleyquinninothermedia #joaquinphoenix #isaiahcolbert #suicidesquad #amandawaller #harleyquinn #birdsofprey #kalashnikov #warnerbros #witstudio #isekai #joker #spy
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #harleyquinninothermedia #joaquinphoenix #isaiahcolbert #suicidesquad #amandawaller #harleyquinn #birdsofprey #kalashnikov #warnerbros #witstudio #isekai #joker #spy
AK-12 modified
For battle in Ukraine's war zone
Might of Kalashnikov
#kalashnikov #ak12 #ukraine #war #haiku #poetry
#kalashnikov #ak12 #ukraine #war #haiku #poetry
L’azienda russa #Kalashnikov produrrà nuovi #droni kamikaze
further targeting the individuals and organisations that are equipping both the #Russian armed forces and #Wagner group. Amongst those sanctioned are:
Alan Valerievich #Lushinkov and Vladimir Nikolaevich #Lepin of JSC Concern #Kalashnikov, producing 95% of all Rus firearms
JSC #BMZ which has produced anti-personnel and anti-tank #mines used in #Ukraine
JSC #Motovilikhinskiye , a subsidiary of #Rostec which manufactures #howitzers used by the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine
#russian #Wagner #lushinkov #lepin #kalashnikov #bmz #mines #ukraine #motovilikhinskiye #rostec #howitzers
#Russianarmy receives first new #camouniforms from #TriadaTKO #Kalashnikov
Original tweet :
#russianarmy #camouniforms #triadatko #kalashnikov
Kotaku: A Counter-Strike Skin Just Sold For $160,000 #gaming #tech #kotaku #televisionprograms #televisionseries #britishculture #kalashnikov #lotuscars #skins
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #televisionprograms #televisionseries #britishculture #kalashnikov #lotuscars #skins
Kotaku: Free Horror Game Is A Corrupted, Nightmare Version Of N64's Goldeneye #gaming #tech #kotaku #goldeneye3arogueagent #jamesbondinvideogames #firstpersonshooters #jamesbondvideogames #creativeworks #goldeneye007 #shootergame #kalashnikov #videogames #goldeneye #jamesbond #nintendo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #goldeneye3arogueagent #jamesbondinvideogames #firstpersonshooters #jamesbondvideogames #creativeworks #goldeneye007 #shootergame #kalashnikov #videogames #goldeneye #jamesbond #nintendo
KALASHNIKOV - metropoli
Kalashnikov es un grupo de punk melódico, anarquista y DIY nacido en 1996 en una casa ocupada de Milán, Italia
Entzun / Listen (streaming):
Irrati pirata KALASHNIKOV:
(egun baterako / for 1 day)
#kalashnikov #punk #irratiaskea #freeradio #radioslibres #fediradio @punkirratia
#kalashnikov #punk #irratiaskea #freeradio #radioslibres #fediradio
The attacker on the #Azerbaijani embassy in #Tehran was detained. It turned out to be a man armed with a #Kalashnikov assault rifle. His motives are being clarified.
During the attack on the embassy, the head of the security service of the diplomatic mission was killed and two guards were injured.
#azerbaijani #tehran #kalashnikov #iran
Make Art Not War: Handcarved rubber stamps & acrylic paint on paper
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #massextinction #extinctionrebellion #climatecrisis #systemchange #endfossilfuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #warcrimes #warcriminal #kalashnikov #ak47 #machineguns #humanrights #displacement #refugeeswelcome #flipping #asylum #sanctuary #shelter #tanks #euborder #frontex #pushbacks
#contemporaryart #handcarvedstamp #linocut #makeartnotwar #savediversity #massextinction #extinctionrebellion #climatecrisis #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fightneoliberalism #fckptn #нетвойны #standforukraine #warcrimes #warcriminal #kalashnikov #ak47 #machineguns #humanrights #displacement #refugeeswelcome #flipping #asylum #Sanctuary #shelter #tanks #euborder #Frontex #pushbacks
Ad record result of #Kalashnikov:
It is not the case that only the #USA produces many #weapons and the local #weapons industry benefits, it does the same in #Russia and elsewhere.
Old saying:
#War is bad for people - but good for business 😞
#kalashnikov #usa #weapons #russia #war
Deutsche Werkzeuge in russischen Waffenfabriken? Trotz #Sanktionen hat der russische Waffenkonzern #Kalashnikov über Scheinfirmen offenbar Lieferungen aus Deutschland erhalten. Das zeigen Dokumente, die ZDFheute und frontal ausgewertet haben.
Deutsche Produkte für russische #Waffen?
Trotz Sanktionen hat der russische Waffenkonzern #Kalashnikov über Scheinfirmen offenbar Lieferungen aus Deutschland erhalten.
Das zeigen Dokumente, die #ZDFheute und frontal ausgewertet haben...
(9 min) verfügbar bis 21.06.2024
#FARBfernsehen #Politmagazin
#waffen #kalashnikov #zdfheute #farbfernsehen #politmagazin
Usa, arrestato uno studente armato in Texas: trovati nella sua auto un kalashnikov e un fucile - Open #arrestato #studente #armato #texas #trovati #auto #kalashnikov #fucile #open #26maggio
#26maggio #open #fucile #kalashnikov #auto #trovati #texas #armato #studente #arrestato
RT @kiraincongress
I learn to use #Kalashnikov and prepare to bear arms. It sounds surreal as just a few days ago it would never come to my mind. Our #women will protect our soil the same way as our #men. Go #Ukraine! 🇺🇦
#ukraine #men #women #kalashnikov
calmons les esprits (ahahaha) avec un peu de musique traditionnelle (aka révolutionnaire)
#kalashnikov #bellaciao #teamvieux
#kalashnikov #bellaciao #teamvieux
#KALASHNIKOV COLLECTIVE - Chi sta in alto dice: questa è pace, questa è guerra