jackhutton · @jackhutton
563 followers · 2815 posts · Server mstdn.social

Potsdam, summer 1945: “The western Allies agreed. So the ancient Prussian city of Königsberg – today called Kaliningrad – became part of the Soviet Union. Today it remains a Russian city, sitting in an island of territory more than 300 miles from the rest of modern Russia – a strange, isolated reminder of Stalin’s post-war demands.”

Hitler and Stalin
Laurence Rees

I didn’t really know this—Kalingrad being part of Russia is so weird..

#stalin #kalingrad #hitlerandstalin

Last updated 2 years ago

Perry · @PerryNbg
16 followers · 663 posts · Server mastodon.social

Ich glaube auch nicht an militärische Maßnahmen da ein Mehrfrontenkrieg noch niemanden gut tat. Aber dass sich Russland auf Dokumente und Abkommen beruft die sie selber ständig brechen ist schon extreme Arschlochigkeit. tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/l

#litauen #kalingrad

Last updated 2 years ago

Kreyren :verified: · @kreyren
53 followers · 4874 posts · Server qoto.org

Thanks russia for withdrawing troops from kalingrad..

.. assuming that being true that the troops were actually withdrawn from there

#russia #ukraine #nato #csto #kalingrad #ukrainecrisis

Last updated 3 years ago