@Anarcoluchiste meme si elle est fermée pour x raisons ... ils valident que l’ED possède l’argent ! Les milices propulsés par le patronnât ! Il y a 100 ans (presque tout pile) c’était l’ouverture du bal des faschistes ...
@moe @AnonNewsDE @bmi @Bundesregierung
Ich habe auch das Gefühl das das Ziel ist autoritäre Regime zuüberholen.
Die ständig bemühten europäischen Werte scheinen in niemanden mehr (?) zu intereasieren.
Kein Wunder das selbst die Leute die diese Werte vertreten, der EU den Rücken kehren.
#kaliyuga find ich irgendwie passend
"Nämä ajat eivät ole meitä varten" (Egotrippi) #kaliyuga #ajanhenki #luontokato #ahneus #rahanvalta
#kaliyuga #ajanhenki #luontokato #ahneus #rahanvalta
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 27th Release #37🎧
LIV SIN - KaliYuga🇸🇪🔥
3rd album from Stockholm, Swedish Heavy Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://targetgroup.bandcamp.com/album/kaliyuga 🔥
@LivSin@twitter.com #KaliYuga #HeavyMetal #MightyMusic #FFFJan27 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffjan27 #mightymusic #heavymetal #kaliyuga
econ' : bcuz why not 🐸
#sculptressnblue #nft #nfts #opensea @opensea #videonft #videonfts #blockchainart #blockchainartist #geometry #math #mathart #shadowwork #shadowworker #kaliyuga #wheeloftime #shewiththekey #nftartist #imapieceofshit #podcaster
#SculptressNBlue #nft #nfts #opensea #videoNFT #videonfts #blockchainart #blockchainartist #geometry #math #mathart #shadowwork #shadowworker #kaliyuga #wheeloftime #shewiththekey #NFTartist #imapieceofshit #podcaster
dark mirror
#sculptressnblue #imapieceofshit #shadowwork #shadowworker #shame #trigger #selfcare #kaliyuga #generational #inspired #future #help #shewiththekey #audius @AudiusProject #purple #integrate
#SculptressNBlue #imapieceofshit #shadowwork #shadowworker #shame #trigger #selfcare #kaliyuga #generational #inspired #future #help #shewiththekey #audius #purple #integrate
V1.E96 Food for Thought Shit
#reality #paradigm #shift #kaliyuga #gnosis #innerstanding #shewiththekey #shadowwork #shadowworker #imapieceofshit #sculptressnblue #podcaster #audius @AudiusProject #foodforthought
#reality #paradigm #shift #kaliyuga #gnosis #innerstanding #shewiththekey #shadowwork #shadowworker #imapieceofshit #SculptressNBlue #podcaster #audius #foodforthought
one month
#sculptressnblue #imapieceofshit #shadowwork #shadowworker #spokenword #podcast #blockchainart #artist #audius @AudiusProject #kaliyuga #spirituality
#SculptressNBlue #imapieceofshit #shadowwork #shadowworker #spokenword #podcast #blockchainart #artist #audius #kaliyuga #spirituality
Issues that keep me awake at night are mostly solved by a "chop wood, carry water" approach to the anthropocene + late stage capitalism.
Work's is either aggressively demanding or totally absent? Just chop wood and carry water.
Exploitative forms of work all around me? Reach people and ease the hurt. Chop wood an carry water.
The shining supernal path through the night of manifestation is hard to follow under matter? Chop, carry.
Chop, carry.
#occult #kaliyuga #anthropocene
Savitri Devi stated that she thought Hitler was both lightening and sun brought to us to end the Kali Yuga the dark age and to bring about a new golden age for Aryan kind.
We need healthy fit women and men ready to enter the new golden age. Fat skanks obese troglodytes need not apply.
#Scientists state that #robots with feelings should have #HumanRights. Not animal rights. 🤖 #scientism #technocracy #culturalmarxism #KaliYuga
#scientists #robots #humanrights #scientism #technocracy #culturalmarxism #kaliyuga