A quick update about my defective Mamiya C330: I have sent the camera back to #kamerastore in Finland for them to check and see what they can do. I’ll keep you posted on what happens.
@QueenKong The camera is new to me. I enjoyed using it, but unfortunately it has a major problem with the film advance. I only shot one roll. The camera is winging it's way back to #kamerastore for repair or refund.
@TomaszSusul I have read about the lock screen. It’s necessary to enable the lenses to be changed. I only have one lens, so I haven’t touched anything to do with that. I don’t see how a cable release should make any difference. Maybe I should investigate. Although probably best to wait until I hear from #kamerastore
@TomaszSusul It’s a lovely camera, and I enjoyed using it. It’s annoying that it was not checked properly before it was sent to me. I’m sure that #kamerastore will sort it out, but it’s the hassle and inconvenience, not to mention the cost of film, chemicals and my time.
@Michaelpr The frame gaps in the image I posted are at the start of the film. By the end of the film, the frame gap was double, or the equivalent of a full frame.
I'm sure #kamerastore will sort it, but it's a pain and inconvenience. This camera was an anniversary present and should have been going with us to document our anniversary celebrations/holiday. That's now not going to happen. And if I keep it, it will always be a reminder of that.
@ftrc I don't know what to suggest. #kamerastore was my go to. It's expensive for sure, but I don't mind paying extra if you get quality. It's cheaper in the long run. I did buy an excellent Spotmatic from the Carmencita film labs a couple of months ago. But, they are film processing specialists and only have a small number of film cameras for sale.
To say I am disappointed with the Mamiya C330 from #kamerastore, also known as #kameratori is an understatement. I have been buying my film cameras from them for several years. They used to be really good. Great accurate descriptions, and the cameras I bought from there were great. I used to recommend them! Now their descriptions are more vague, and I have had problems with the last four cameras purchased from them.
Has anyone else had a similar experience?
My latest acquisition arrived—a Mamiya C330 TLR camera. Yesterday I put a roll of film through it and developed it this morning. I was gutted to find that there are problems with the film advance. The spacing between the frames varies between 1/2 to a full frame. There were only 7,5 frames on the roll.
This is the fourth consecutive camera that I have bought from #kameratori #kamerastore in Finland that had to be returned for refund or repair. All were certified fully working with no defects.
Science Mondays: How The Germans Measured Milliseconds Mechanically
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