Rom | Tapas in the sun · @tapasinthesun
638 followers · 2994 posts · Server

@ThatDeafGuy it’s just had one by Before I bought it. Everything was checked, lubricated and adjusted. That’s my point! It should be working perfectly.


Last updated 1 year ago

Rom | Tapas in the sun · @tapasinthesun
629 followers · 2969 posts · Server

To say I am disappointed with the Mamiya C330 from , also known as is an understatement. I have been buying my film cameras from them for several years. They used to be really good. Great accurate descriptions, and the cameras I bought from there were great. I used to recommend them! Now their descriptions are more vague, and I have had problems with the last four cameras purchased from them.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

#kamerastore #kameratori

Last updated 1 year ago

Rom | Tapas in the sun · @tapasinthesun
629 followers · 2969 posts · Server

My latest acquisition arrived—a Mamiya C330 TLR camera. Yesterday I put a roll of film through it and developed it this morning. I was gutted to find that there are problems with the film advance. The spacing between the frames varies between 1/2 to a full frame. There were only 7,5 frames on the roll.

This is the fourth consecutive camera that I have bought from in Finland that had to be returned for refund or repair. All were certified fully working with no defects.

#kameratori #kamerastore

Last updated 1 year ago