mark your calendars: 21.sept!'. on
#Kamizdat's next live "Rentgen" event we feature Rob Canning and Saša Spačal, Rob's new release, and three (!) physicial manifestation of our #CreativeCommons content:
USB booklets:
- Rob Canning
- Saša Spačal
- Access Frame: Xenophoby
live stream will be via our #Owncast and you can follow it/us on fedi too: @streamer @
#kamizdat #creativecommons #owncast #ljubljana
tonight! we have a three-hour listening party on #BandCamp - we'll listen to #SašaSpačal's release on #Kamizdat in full. the author will join as for chat a bit later in the evening.
come, join us to hang out, listen, perhaps chat (or just lurk)! since it will last for whole duration of the album - 3 hour - you can also join later.
your time:
#bandcamp #sasaspacal #kamizdat #electronicmusic #listeningparty
ordered quite a high number of new USB sticks (Wallet Stick) of 8Gb size for new releases.
#Kamizdat.OS here we come.
The plan is to create a custom bootable live Linux ISO where you can listen to stuff and run SuperCollider code, because it will contain installed and functional #SuperCollider
the OS will be actually in pure iso form via #Ventoy so if you're technically this much savy you can just grab the iso off it and boot OS in some Virtual Box or something.
at least that's the plan
#kamizdat #supercollider #Ventoy
finally at the video recording from #NetLabelDay event two weeks ago when oir streaming plans failed. it's pretty ok. the whole raw 2h thing is already on #PeerTube but I edited 1min clips and also separate full performances by participants. there's also some lovely photos made by Marijo Zupanov, I'll share all those.
#netlabelday #peertube #kamizdat #creativecommons
trying to find a way to use :bandcamp: new "listening parties" feature for some of our #Kamizdat releases. is anyone using enjoying hating these?
should write this as an official statement for everyone who were expecting live stream the other Friday Netlabel Day from Ljubljana (#Kamizdat Rentgen event)
what happened was that although I tested the stream about 3 hours before and was running smoothly for half an hour, when we pressed 'Start stream' 15 minutes before the event the uplink traffic was at a slow crawl at less than 500kbps. after much testing and researching(including youtube streaming test) the conclusion was... 1/x
getting kinda nervous for this evening.
a lot is ready, but still some things to be done.
so much org for events, especially if you're mc, org, tech, and curator, and what not. I have help, but still.
see you at 20:00 CEST at
just need to do corrections to our collage on "Xenophoby", grab the webCover, and we'll be out with this release
#kamizdat #AccessFrame #netlabelday
didn't hype our #NetLabelDay #Kamizdat traditional Access Frame release , but we are putting it out by the end of (local) day and celebrating tomorrow with live concerts locally and through online LIVE stream - tomorrow, Friday 14.7 @ 20h CEST via (aka @streamer on fedi)
working on a longer collaborative collage/edit from sources by our local artists that processed some words and impressions about xenophobia for this friday's Access Frame release and Netlabel Day.
"I would argue that this "working man's xenophobia" is far from a natural and spontaneous occurrence. Contrary to popular belief, the working class is the most diverse and tolerant social group and has been so through out history. It is the very specific policies of segregation that bosses and the state put into place which create the divisions."
from our linernotes to #NetlabelDay release "Access Frame: Xenophoby" by Miha N'toko Blažič
New #Kamizdat release is out!!
Saša Spačal | Agapea:
Anatomy of a Symbiosis
Sonificiation of a biological process resulting in a drifting ambiental electronic drones and gentle glitchy sonic detritus. The sound-form calls for a deep listening session while the underlaying concept foregrounds the disruptive human intervention.
:cc_cc: :cc_by: :cc_sa:
#kamizdat #creativecommons #netaudio #sasaspacal #slovenia #soundart
I'm a CC artist (everything I make is libre. specifically danceable releases of mine: (at least first two tracks)
not fedizen but :cc_cc: on my label #Kamizdat:
and more:
I can also highly recommend @setto 's
and a lot of stuff by other members! just fedisearch for the domain and follow.
all three artists have released on our #Kamizdat netlabel:
MadamDub as kikiriki
Gašper Torkar
DVNT PHNK (aka Luka Prinčič)
also Periklea is a resident VJ!
Nothing is to touch anything else
all is so carefully packaged
Nothing comes as it is
all is so carefully packaged
In a clean fancy paper, plastic or foil
everything comes inside layers of wrappings
In abundance of things touches in wrappings
all is so carefully packaged
Nothing touches anything else
overflown crowd of wrappings
all is so carefully packaged
ARP 339 by Wanda & Nova deViator (#Kamizdat, 2015)
:cc_cc: :cc_by: :cc_sa:
Nothing is to touch anything else
all is so carefully packaged
Nothing comes as it is
all is so carefully packaged
In a clean fancy paper, plastic or foil
everything comes inside layers of wrappings
In abundance of things touches in wrappings
all is so carefully packaged
Nothing touches anything else
overflown crowd of wrappings
all is so carefully packaged
ARP 339 by Wanda & Nova deViator (#Kamizdat, 2015)
:cc_cc: :cc_by: :cc_sa:
Nothing is to touch anything else
all is so carefully packaged
Nothing comes as it is
all is so carefully packaged
In a clean fancy paper, plastic or foil
everything comes inside layers of wrappings
In abundance of things touches in wrappings
all is so carefully packaged
Nothing touches anything else
overflow crowd of wrappings
all is so carefully packaged
ARP 339 by Wanda & Nova deViator (#Kamizdat, 2015)
:cc_cc: :cc_by: :cc_sa:
our first #Kamizdat podcast K⁝Ø is out today!
a selection of tracks mixed by ala pecula and myself includes ambient sonic cuts from the likes of #loscil, #SetFireToFlames, sound pieces by Saša Spačal & Pim Boreel and AGF ( @poemproducer ) among others.
listen, download:
subscribe for more with your podcast app:
(expect very varied selections in next months!)
#kamizdat #loscil #setfiretoflames #slovenia #electronicmusic
recenzija dveh naših izdaj iz 2022 na Odzvenu
@mr_sterile @FallenRedNinja we at #Kamizdat do small run usb-booklets. around 30-40 hand-numbered and more or less hand-made. we raised prices a year ago and also postage and it seems sales have gone down. everything's going through bandcamp so these all come with a digital downloads.(but the usb already contains music)
for irl we also have cute qr-code cards
I'm thinking to start making zines with music's source code in #SuperCollider