For Kanak independence: The fight against French rule in New Caledonia by Susanna Ounei
#Kanaky, #anticolonialism, #antiimperialism, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #Melanesia, #selfdetermination, #independence, #Kanakpeople, #FLNKS, #FrontdeLibérationNationaleKanaketSocialiste, #antiblackness, #nationalliberation, #KanakSocialistNationalLiberationFront
"Since 1984, the struggle of the Kanak people against French colonial rule in New Caledonia has consistently attracted world headlines. It has become a symbol of the new awakening of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific against more than 100 years of imperialist domination.
In the English-speaking Pacific and beyond, however, very little is known of the history of the Kanak anti-colonial struggle or the Kanak Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS), which is leading the independence fight today.
In this pamphlet, Susanna Ounei, the official representative in New Zealand of the FLNKS who has been active in the national liberation struggle since 1969, backgrounds the situation in New Caledonia today and outlines the goals of the FLNKS. Also included is the founding charter of the FLNKS."
#kanaky #anticolonialism #antiimperialism #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #Melanesia #SelfDetermination #independence #kanakpeople #flnks #frontdeliberationnationalekanaketsocialiste #antiblackness #nationalliberation #kanaksocialistnationalliberationfront