@SpaceLifeForm and not just fingers crossed.
ATM the other 4 inside animals are sniffing him every few minutes then going back to what they were doing. The other grey joey his size, Brandy, is constantly checking him. She is definitely interested in what's going on.
I've given him another sedative and checked for injuries but so far, it seems he needs to rest though he's been tossing and turning a bit, but not too much.
Very hopeful.
#kangaroosofmastodon #saturdaymacropods
Freezing child and Jennifer has decided that cuddling with her carer is all she wants. She came in a week ago from really bad care, completely neurotic and constantly worrying about her new environment which is full of kangaroos.
As Monday drifts to a close, I'd like to introduce you to the latest #MacropodMonday entrant.
It has no name and is gender fluid (in other words it could be either).
What you are seeing is a macropod, hanging from the pouch of a macropod.
Macropod means "big foot" which it certainly has. It's around 1/3rd of the body length. When fully grown and at speed it will cover 20 feet in one hop.
Mother is Winter and the joey is around 5 months old. It has no fur yet but that is starting and the joey is what we call a "velvet", and will be called so, until the fur starts to cover it over the next month.
#macropodmonday #kangaroosofmastodon #kangaroos #kangaroo #grasshopper
Most of you will never see one of these because there are very few around. That's you Australians. You people who plan to come here to visit. To see kangaroos, #wallabies and wallaroos, best do it soon before our #farmers #slaughter all of them.
This little 1kg girl has no name yet. She came in an hour ago. She is a sub species of #wallaroo called a Euro (Macropus Robustus Erubescens).
Her mother was #shot by a #farmer who no longer has the balls to smash the tiny babies against his ute. He brings them to me to make himself feel better. He had misidentified her mother as a grey #kangaroo as well, so not only doesn't he care, he can't see properly either.
She brings to 9 the number I'm raising in the house. #Formula 8 times a day. Grain and hay for bigger animals is becoming a struggle. Some are being released this week, but some help would be wonderful.
If someone finds it within their means to #donate $500 which has happened once before, they can name her.
#wallabies #farmers #slaughter #wallaroo #shot #farmer #kangaroo #formula #donate #kangaroosofmastodon
Just because I can I'm starting the day sharing some good. Enjoy, boost and follow.
And have a great day. If you are in Florida, my #KangaroosOfMastodon have indicated they are doing their version of thinking and praying for you. And always remember #RonDesatan has a punchable face.
#kangaroosofmastodon #rondesatan
I've never thought of that before as I sit feeding macropods among the #KangaroosOfMastodon
(petite parenthèse avec cette vidéo en ce jour de manifestation contre la réforme des retraites ; et allégorie au dialogue syndicats versus gouvernement, non ?😉)
Une partie de Kickboxing entre kangourous : c'est impressionnant et faussement rigolo :shibathinking:
(C'est assez violent quand les mâles se disputent notamment les faveurs d'une femelle : jusqu'à écraser des os, voire tuer :wtf:)
#nature #zoologie #kickboxing #kangaroo #kangaroosofmastodon
#nature #Zoologie #kickboxing #kangaroo #kangaroosofmastodon
@chockenberry @brentsimmons one of the things I've found helps me in challenging times is to grab a joey and stick it down my jacket so here's one for your mum. His name is Kooma and he's a #kangaroosofmastodon member.
Kangaroo in sight
Grasslands vast with beauty abound
Peacefully they roam
#haiku #kangaroosofmastodon #wildlife
@norcalgrandma @JaneETowle
If like to offer a #KangaroosOfMastodon to make everyone feel better.
Streaming radio, kanga
Roos surrounding silently
Feeding, fighting, flairing
Furiously running racing
Slowing, puffed chests
#sixlines #haiku #wildlife #wordgames #kangaroosofmastodon
I, likewise, Lord John, have a #haiku
Little grey joey
Rolls, tumbles, pouches
Peace, where is mummy?
#haiku #threeliner #haikufromgod #wildlife #kangaroosofmastodon
A tiny grey joey
Snuggles under a blanket
Then wets my bed
#Kangaroosofmastodon and elsewhere have 3 legs but only 2 feet, neither of which get socks unless the #animal is injured, in which case depending on the #injury, it may only get one sock. #Burns often need 2.
#Kangaroo socks are best #washed by hand to prevent them being lost to the other #universe during a #spin cycle.
#kangaroosofmastodon #animal #injury #burns #kangaroo #washed #universe #spin
@12thRITS just built one to keep kangaroos out of the house. It's at the top of the steps, but one of the bucks jumped it the other day. He jumped 5 ft vertical and 3 ft forward from a standing start.
I love #KangaroosOfMastodon
@hicoo #kangaroos are also impossible to #herd which is why Australian #farmers are trying to join them to the extinction list they (the fharmers) are already the senior player on.
#kangaroos #herd #farmers #kangaroosofmastodon #wildlife #slaughter