New #Blog: Implementing Webmention statistics and moderation with Telegraf, InfluxDB and Kapacitor
Author: Ben Tasker
#blog #influxdb #kapacitor #telegraf #webmentions
I built myself a little #webmentions moderation flow using #Telegraf (to retrieve from, #InfluxDB (to store) and #Kapacitor (to send notifications)
There's also a Flux task to strip identifiers and downsample into aggregate stats for longer term storage
Just need to write stuff worth mentioning now :)
#webmentions #telegraf #influxdb #kapacitor
New #Blog: Implementing Webmention statistics and moderation with Telegraf, InfluxDB and Kapacitor
Author: Ben Tasker
#blog #influxdb #kapacitor #telegraf #webmentions
New #Documentation: Monitoring a Mastodon Instance with Telegraf
Author: Ben Tasker
#alerting #containers #docker #influxdb #kapacitor #linux #mastodon #monitoring #postgres #redis #sidekiq #socialmedia #socialnetworks #telegraf
#documentation #alerting #containers #docker #influxdb #kapacitor #linux #mastodon #monitoring #postgres #redis #sidekiq #socialmedia #socialnetworks #telegraf
I finalized a #kapacitor node written in #go for a client. Dear #influxdb team, it's not easy to do and it will be hard to maintain the upgrades from your side... Can you please think about shared libraries instead ?