Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Sorority Member Says National Org Forced Them Out for Being Gender Nonbinary #Jezebel #dartmouthcollegegreekorganizations #nationalpanhellenicconference #fraternitiesandsororities #kappakappagamma #fabianguzman #nonbinary #chiomega #tiktok #greek
#jezebel #dartmouthcollegegreekorganizations #nationalpanhellenicconference #fraternitiesandsororities #kappakappagamma #fabianguzman #nonbinary #chiomega #tiktok #greek
The funniest part about one of the allegations in this lawsuit filed by #KappaKappaGamma members is that it speaks of the inducted (transgender) member as having a "visible erection" in the #sorority house, without even considering that women can be attracted sexually to women.