@br00t4c #proLife4Amazon #theEmeraldForest #JohnBoorman (and I’m also super interested in the archaeology of how the Amazon forest was a garden that was intentionally planted, and the LiDAR revealed civilizations that the Spanish destroyed in their hunt and their #elonmusk mars #billionaire boring game of the time… find the passage to spice and gold gold gold #aguirre …)#theGoodKings #KaraCooney
#prolife4amazon #theemeraldforest #JohnBoorman #elonmusk #billionaire #aguirre #karacooney
Once again #bangsGong #THEGOODKINGS as in “ dudes we’ve already done this 1 million times” #KaraCooney
#bangsgong #thegoodkings #karacooney
@neurovagrant I know I say it over and over and over again but for me this book kind of made me realize how the game is rigged and how it’s been ancient #TheGoodKings #karaCooney (it’s so provocative that #Redteam tried to take it down on a technicality)
#thegoodkings #karacooney #redteam