This photo was taken at our Dojo last month after Senpai earned her second degree black belt and got promoted to Sensei. I also earned my green belt that day! I'm the tall girl all the way in the back lol! #Karate
Rodrigo Rojas ganó medalla de plata en Dublín 🥋🥈
Revisa la nota en
#karate #Chile #deporte #deportes
Una tarde, yo debía tener 11 años ya, después de haber desistido de clases de piano, flauta y danzas, estaba con mi mamá haciendo fila para inscribirme en violín. De repente, oí que desde el salón de espejos del 2do piso llegaban gritos de karate. Abandoné la fila y subí corriendo: vi 3 niños en pantaloneta y un Sensei en su blanco kimono. Ese mismo día me matriculé en #karate.
El Sensei fue nuestro maestro hasta mis 25 años. Uno de los niños de pantaloneta hoy es 6to dan y es mi actual Sensei.
In a world where people want things instantly without work the martial arts stands alone. It's about Learning Martial Arts, not Belt Rank! Follow this link to read more now. #martialarts #karate #budo
Mon agenda pour cette année ! #coloretonfil #Motivation #karaté
#coloretonfil #Motivation #karate
Getting back to #karate after 20 years away (trained 10-15, now 35) is the strangest experience. It goes like this:
Senpai: now that we’re warmed up you are going to learn a mae geri
Body: warmed up? I’ve practically melted
Brain: wait, I know that one! Which one is it?? Is it th-
Senpai: *demonstrates*
Brain: oh, I do know that one! I’m pretty good at it!
Muscles: ten more? But we already did ten??
Toes: which way are we going?
Respiratory system: please stop this ride I want to get off.
30,9°C im #HomeOffice.
Ich mache jetzt #Feierabend.
#homeoffice #feierabend #karate #training
Першая трэніроўка Марціна ў клубе Dragosfera.
Dziękujemy klubowi Dragosfera i osobisto Piotr Figura!
Kosho Ryu The Awakened Mind. A Book for the Times. Welcome to the Great Awakening. But, are you prepared? Follow this link to read about this all new book for the times. #kosho #martialarts #karate #greatawakening
#kosho #martialarts #karate #greatawakening
You just cannot make this stuff up!!! Seriously Zombies!! Chance favors the prepared mind, but this? Crazy gets crazier! Follow this link now to read the entire article. #martialarts #budo #karate #kosho #crazy
#martialarts #budo #karate #kosho #crazy
#finnish #handmade #training #surujin looks good in the #sunset.
More of these will be available during October, when there is also a #seminar in #espoo about using this...
#karate #kobujutsu #kobudo #karateweapons
#karateweapons #kobudo #kobujutsu #karate #espoo #seminar #sunset #surujin #training #handmade #finnish
Habe mir beim Sitze aus dem Auto ausbauen/Renovieren/Schränke tragen/aufstellen den Rücken verrenkt.
Kann mich kaum bewegen. 😩
Notiz an mich: Du musst wieder regelmäßig zum #Karatetraining.
#karatetraining #diy #karate #sport
L'igiene personale registrata in un regolamento interno fa parte del rispetto nella pratica di un'arte marziale. Avere un aspetto pulito, un buon odore, vestirsi adeguatamente di bianco.
La cintura richiama la gerarchia e la strada da percorrere.
Il libro testimonia la nostra apertura.
La protezione solare ti ricorda di non fare affidamento sulla temperatura o sul colore.
#karate #leggi #cintura
Sulla strada per agosto
The personal hygiene registered in an internal regulation is part of the respect in the practice of a martial art. Look clean, smell good, dress properly in white.
The belt recalls the hierarchy and the way to go.
The book bears witness to our openness.
Sunscreen reminds you not to rely on temperature or color.
L'hygiène corporelle inscrite dans un règlement intérieur fait partie du respect dans la pratique d'un art martial. Paraître propre, sentir bon, s'habiller correctement de blanc.
La ceinture rappelle la hiérarchie et le chemin à parcourir.
Le livre est le témoin de notre ouverture d'esprit.
La crème solaire rappelle qu'il ne faut pas se fier ni à la température ni à la couleur.
#karate #lire #ceinture
En route vers l'automne.
Mistakes while Training in Martial Arts. Turning Failure to Victory because you were prepared and not reacting to the encounter. Follow this link to read more now. #martialarts #karate #kempo #budo #kosho
#martialarts #karate #kempo #budo #kosho
🥋Mein Martial Mind Kanal is back 🥋
Heute mit einem Selbstversuch, um meinen #karate Schülern zu beweisen, dass fünf Minuten Übung pro Tag ausreichen, um große Fortschritte zu machen.
Lässt sich auch auf andere Dinge übertragen. 😉