I'm a ham radio operator (W8EMV) located near #KARB , grid #EN82dg . My general purpose ham radio stuff is at @w8emv@mastodon.radio .
I run an #ADSB tracker feeding @ADSBexchange and another service, using a Pi 3 as the host. My #1090MHz antenna is not very good, and I hope to be able to get better coverage with some antenna work.
Favorite craft to track is #N3A #A31AA0 "Wingfoot Three", particularly when it's over Michigan Stadium for a Wolverines game.
#introduction #karb #en82dg #adsb #1090mhz #n3a #a31aa0
Ann Arbor Municipal Airport #KARB
Item 22-1509
RFP 21-19. "At their July 20, 2022 meeting, the Airport Advisory Committee unanimously recommended that City Council approve the 30-year (20 +10) lease and proposal for Beacon Aviation."
[ #a2council #avgeek ]
Speaker: Kerry Brown (sp?)
Argues against lease to new operator at Ann Arbor Municipal Airport #KARB
Speaks highly of Ann Arbor Aviation Center, a full service FBO.
DC-3 "Resolution to Approve a Lease Agreement between the City and Great Lakes Air Repair d/b/a Beacon Aviation for a Corporate Hangar Located at the Ann Arbor Municipal Airport" 22-1509
Great Lakes Air Repair Mason, MI https://www.greatlakesairrepair.com
Public speaker (name?) at city council who runs Ann Arbor Aviation Center http://www.aviationcenter.aero (for 43 years) is concerned that the proposal in front of council includes painting which would exclude his operations.
Speaker asks for postponement.
(More of a story there, didn't catch all of the back story.)
#a2council #avgeek #aviation #karb